Chapter trece

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Emma's PoV:

I sigh, before turning the engine off and pulling my hoodie over my head. It is a rainy fall Friday morning, as usual here in Sandstone hill. I quickly open my car door and jump outside, making sure not to slip on the wet cement. I really like converse shoes, but they show a huge tendency to slip on wet ground. I take my backpack in my hands and run towards the school's entrance.

"You look only half as bad as me. But still, I need to go to the bathroom, let's go." Brooklyn says as soon as I approach my friends in the hallway. They were literally waiting in front of my locker for me, just so they can go to the bathroom. Some type of love, let me tell you.

We walk straight into the ladies' room and all four of us immediately stand in front of the huge mirrors that are hanging on the wall above the sinks. I have to admit, I don't look too bad. A few drops on my face, but my minimal make up, which consisted of mascara and lip gloss today, was still in place. But when I pull my hoodie off, my mane is coming out and I groan and try to fix it with my hand.

"You need a brush?" I hear Stella ask and soon enough I am brushing my hair, trying to smooth it out a little more. Because, I don't know if I'm the only one who has that problem, but every time I put a hoodie or a hat on my head, my hair seems to dislike it so much, that it transforms itself into some type of straw. I thank Stella and watch them fix themselves before the door opens and a wet Julie comes in. She smiles at us and I frown. Why is she smiling at us?

"Hey girls. Rainy day, huh." She asks, standing beside me and trying to fix her hair. Must she stay right there?

"Tell me about it." Brooklyn says. I eye Julie passively. Her hair has a tint of red in it and is very long, whilst mine is on the basic length and brown. She is a little taller than me and her body is way more slim than mine. Her arms look like sticks and her skin is pale enough to be mistaken for snow. Her boobs are smaller than mine and in my opinion almost invisible. That's what Hades likes then.

"Alright, Girls. How do I look?" Brooklyn asks, drawing my attention to her and we all nod. She has done a pretty good job with fixing herself. I mean she didn't look as bad as she said she did, so I knew it would be easy for her.

"Now me." Zada asks and my head snaps to her. We all laugh, because she never wears make up. She laughs too and I can her Julie joining us. Ugh.

"Let's leave then. Class starts in five minutes." Stella says and we follow her outside. I'm about to say bye to the girls when they throw me weird looks. I frown and wait for them to speak up with my eyebrows raised.

"Why don't you like Julie?" Zada asks me and I almost choke on my spit. Did they see me checking her up and down? Oh my god, did she notice it?

"Who says I don't like her? She's a nice girl." I shrug, avoiding eye contact. She must be nice if Hades let her touch him. He hates it when other people touch him without his permission. And to think about what we did after he did that with Julie, I almost gag out loud. Ew.

"Okay, so why were you checking her out then? Are you a lesbian? Because we would understand that-"

"No I'm not a lesbian and I don't know why I checked her out, really. I guess I was bored and looking at you while you fix yourself isn't interesting at all." I joke and she glares at me.

"So, I'm not interesting enough for you? I see." She fakes sadness and even wipes an imaginary tear off her cheek and I snicker. The girls and I watch her in amusement when she lets out a loud cry. I roll my eyes and turn around, seeing that we only have three more minutes to get our books from our lockers and rush to class.

"See you on the flip side." I yell and wave at them from behind, before confidently walking through the crowd of students and to my locker. I groan when I realize that I have biology right now with Flitch and Hades. Ever since Flitch made me Hades' slave, I don't like her anymore. I always laughed when she was mean to others, but now that she was mean to me, I don't feel like laughing anymore.

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