Chapter treinta y cuatro

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"We don't know what songs we're going to play, but we'll just begin with the basic dance steps." I hear my PE teacher say and frown. How are we supposed to dance to a song, if we don't know which song?

"I hate this. I wish Jack was here." Bradley whispers in my ear as we take our position. I don't hate dancing, but this sure as hell is annoying. Why do we have to dance at the Halloween party anyways?

"I know." I say, not knowing how to answer. Because sure, he misses Jack. But I'm his dance partner and I'm trying my best. His eyes soften immediately at my answer.

"I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. I just miss Jack." He smiles down at me sadly. I nod.
"Me too." I answer honestly. I do miss Jack.

"Hey! You two. Less talking, more dancing." Our teacher yells at us, making me flinch. The whole gym is packed with seniors and a few juniors. The principal decided to only let the seniors dance, with a few exceptions. But every single senior has to dance at that event, no matter if they have partners or not.

Which makes me so happy that I have Bradley. This might look a bit weird, since almost the whole school knows that we've been a couple. They still don't know about his sexuality and I really don't care what they think. I know Stella and Brooklyn find it quite weird and Hades doesn't show any emotions around me.

Hades... Funny how he chose to be partners with Zada. It has been two full weeks since we had that argument and in school he successfully avoided me. It got to that point that when we had a shared class, he would never say anything or even look at the teacher. He just dropped his head on the table and had a little nap.

"Yes. Good. Keep going you two." I roll my eyes when I hear the teacher praise them. Bradley chuckles, snapping my eyes back to his.

"You should tell him, Emma." He says in a serious tone.
"No, I shouldn't have to tell him. He chose to act like a dick, so I let him." I answer, making him sigh.

"But try to understand him." He says.
"I'm done talking about him." I say. Bradley, just like all my other friends and family, has sensed that there's something wrong. My friends realized that when I stopped hanging out with Noah and the twins. I just can't stand seeing him.

He has hanged. He seems to be grumpier and just more emotionless. I know that has something to do with our argument, but I still don't want to apologize, because he has no right to be mad at me. I also think he believes that I chose my friendship with Bradley over him. Which again, I'd never do.

"Very well done, students. I'll see you tomorrow and on Thursday." The teacher dismisses us. I can't believe Halloween is this Friday already. Well, the party is on Friday. Actual Halloween is on Saturday.

We pack our things and get home, finally. It's Tuesday and school has been boring as always. At least this party/dance on friday is something new. I sigh and rub my arms when I get out along with the other students who stayed after classes just to practice dancing.

"You coming to the mall today? I'm meeting the girls there." I hear Bradley suddenly walk beside me. I still need a present for my mom, so I nod.

"Sure, I'll follow you." I tell him and get into the car. As I put my seat belt on, I see Hades slowly walk towards his car. I don't know why, but somehow I can't tore my eyes away from his slow and elegant strides. He is wearing a black coat, due to the fact that it's really cold outside at this time of the year. His pants are beige and his boots are brown, kind of matching his red scarf.

As if sensing my eyes on him, his body stiffens and he looks to his right, where my car is parked. Before his eyes meet mine, a loud honk startles me and makes me look back at Bradley, who exits the school's parking lot now. I guess that's my cue.

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