Chapter treinta y seis

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Emma's PoV:

"Why didn't you tell me?" I jump at Hades' voice behind me. I turn around confused and surprised. Just to make sure he's talking to me, I look to my left and right. My eyes soften at his hurt look. What?

"What do you mean?" I ask him, blinking a few times. Where did he even come from? I assumed he was already gone, considering the fact that Zada and Noah are dancing together.

"Compton. He's gay." He says, sitting down next to me on the empty table. I frown. How did he find out?

"How do you know that?" I ask him and he sighs, before pulling his chair closer to mine. He settles down right in front of me, our knees touching. I look at his attire, surprised at how it matches mine. He is wearing a black suit, that is torn apart and a black tie, that hangs loosely around his neck.

"He told me. Why didn't you tell me, Emma? I would've understood sooner." He says, reminding me of my anger towards him.
"I didn't think I'd have to. I expected some trust in me." I say, making him frown.

"I do trust you. It's him that I don't trust." He tells me, slowly grabbing my hands from my lap and covering them with his own.
"That's bullshit. I told you I wouldn't fall for him. You should've trusted me right there." I argue. He nods and gulps.
"I know." He looks down when he says the next part.

"But when it comes to your heart, you never know who you'll fall in love with. It's not something you can deny." He says, looking up at me again. My face suddenly feels very warm and my heart jumps.

"I know that. But a little trust in me wouldn't have killed you." I sigh.
"I did trust you, Emma. I always do. It's just your heart." He tells me, making me frown.

"You carry your heart around in a glass box and let people in so easily. Someone has to look out for that." He says, tracing my knuckles with his thumb. I don't know how to answer that. I know I did let people in easily, but he doesn't know that I've put my guards up over those past two years.

Silence follows and he lets his head fall, looking at the ground. I take this time to think about everything that has happened between us two. We were both equally moody and confused. I think we should have a talk soon. I know I say that a lot, but now I really do believe that. I'm really curious as to why he cried the other night and why he keeps acting jealous, but doesn't admit it.

Everybody seems to see some sort of bound between us and I know that I like him. More than I should and that frightens me. I know he'd never reject me, but I don't want him to feel like he has to stick around, just because I like him. I mean, yes we made out once, but we were both drunk. 

"You wanna dance?" I snap out of my thoughts to see a pair of honey brown eyes smile down at me. When did he stand up? I nod, feeling shy all of a sudden and he takes my hand, leading us to the dance floor.

We find a spot, that isn't really crowded and he wraps his hands around my waist and on my back, just a little above my behind. I wrap my arms around his neck. He quickly takes one hand that was at my back and places it under my chin, lifting it up. So instead of looking at his chest, I'm looking at his warm smile and those beautiful brown eyes.

Just when the song starts to play he has his hand back on my lower back. I frown at the song. I haven't heard that one before, but I kind of like it. We start dancing to the rhythm. The intense locking of our eyes, the song and the dimmed lights make me feel emotional.

I have never heard that song before, but the lyrics get me. They really do.

Oh, don't be scared about it
Don't forget it was real
Do you remember the way it made you feel?
Do you remember the things it let you feel?

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