Chapter diez y nueve

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"Would you please come down for a second? We need to discuss the current situation." I hear my mother enter my room and seconds later the covers are pulled off me. I quickly open my eyes and groan. For an early fall it is pretty cold here in Sandstone hill and I need my blanket to keep me warm.

"Come on. Make yourself presentable and I expect you at the dinner table in ten minutes. I'll go wake up Hades." She says and I barely nod. After five minutes of just laying on my bed with no blanket, I sigh and get up. I'm not going to do a lot today, mostly because I feel like just spending the day inside and helping my mother with chores or whatever.

So all I do is brush my teeth and put my hair in a messy bun. I change my pyjama into a pair of sweatpants and a black top. Skipping down the stairs, I can already hear my mom and Hades talk. When I step in the room, they stop and look at me, making me feel kind of self-conscious. I sit down next to Hades and wait for my mother to speak up.

"So Maria told me that she would probably need at least ten days. That's what the doctors told her and depending on how fast her body is recovering, she can go home in maybe ten days. That means that Hades, you will stay here for at least ten days. I told Clyde (my dad) about it and he said he is happy to have a guy in this house while he is out there doing his job." She says and Hades smiles at her. I smile at the thought of my dad saying that, because he would say something like that.

"And Emma, there is not a lot that changes for you. Just don't walk around without a bra for the time being." She finishes and I blush and widen my eyes. I see her smirk at my uncomfortable state. Hades chuckles from next to me and I glare at both of them. It's not like I would've done that anyway.

"Hades I hope we can make you feel at home. I know that this whole situation came sudden and we had to improvise about everything, but seeing that you already went to get your clothes and stuff, I think you will be doing a great job in fitting in." She tells Hades and he nods.

"I'm sure I will and thank you so much for letting me sleep in your house. I know it came sudden and I really appreciate this." He says, like the good boy that he is. Hades has always been a gentleman and Maria definitely did a good job raising him, teaching him manners and such.

"No problem, what are friends for? And thank you for carrying me up the stairs yesterday. I was pretty tired and actually can't believe that I just fell asleep. I hope Maria isn't mad." She says and I shake my head.
"She said she understands that you had a long day in the flower shop. Trust me, she's not mad." I say and just to make sure, Hades nods as well.

"Well, then let's start our day. Hades you still love bacon and pancakes?" My mom asks him and he instantly smiles like a puppy and nods.
"Well we'll make you some. Emma, help me with the batter." She says and I nod and stand up, helping her to make us all breakfast.

After eating with my mom and Hades I walk up the stairs. My mother is going to make a run to the flowers shop that she owns and I will be getting some homework done. I still haven't turned my phone on and I really don't feel like it. It actually feels quite nice to really spend some time without social media or talking on the phone. Just me, myself and I.

I sit down on my desk, ready to gt some homework done when I hear the shower being turned on. I guess she's taking a quick shower before she goes. I frown at some geometry task, I don't understand and look at my bed, where my phone is currently placed. I need the internet to do that and don't have a laptop.

It's times like these where I really reconsider my choice about buying a TV instead of a laptop. In the end I don't watch a lot of series and I certainly need the laptop for school work. Next Christmas I'll make sure to ask for a lot of money.

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