Chapter ocho

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I have never hated somebody as much as I hate Hades right at this moment.
"Do it and I will cut you." I hiss at Zada, angrily munching on my apple. She looks at me taken aback but I glare at her, making sure she knows that I'm not joking.

"Jesus, calm down." Brooklyn says and I shake my head.
"Calming down is the last thing I want to do, right now. I have had it with him. And if you even think about calling him to our table ever again, I will disown you." I glare at all three of my best friends.

It is the last day of the first week of school and I've had it with Hades. Thank god, I only had to do one week and not two, because I think after two weeks one of us would not be alive anymore, preferably Hades. The whole time he treated me as if I was his slave. He let me carry his backpack, write his notes in the classes that we shared and on Thursday he even let me carry his lunch to his table, because he forgot to take it and was too lazy to stand up again. His whole table snickered in amusement.

I watch him pass our table and sit right next to us on the table that is filled with the popular guys, most of them are football players. He doesn't even play football, so why is he even at their table? Oh yeah, maybe because most of them are jocks too. I turn around to continue eating my lunch and catch them all looking at me with a knowing look.

"What?" I ask, opening my pudding.
"For someone who hates him, you sure love to look at him." Stella smirks and I almost spit out my chocolate pudding. WHAT?

"What the heck did you smoke?" I ask, knowing it will get on her nerves and hopefully change the topic. Because they did catch me looking at him and that's pretty embarrassing. I mean he is a great view, but then again, I'd never say that out loud.

"Seriously Em? I thought we were friends. For the last time-"
"No, Stella. You're not a hippy and you don't smoke, we get it. Em too, but she is trying to change the topic." Brooklyn tells her and I glare at my lost twin. Such a traitor.

"So, tell us again why exactly you want to kill him?" She continues, but I've already told them. They found it so funny, that it made me even angrier. He made me drive him to school today, which wouldn't have been such a big deal, if he didn't make sure that everybody knew I was his assistant.

He waited for me to open his door, he patted my head and let me carry his stuff to his freaking locker and then he had the audacity to flirt with a random blonde right in front of me. Like, I was standing right next to him, with his books in my hands. If he's able to flirt with some girl he's also able to carry his own books, isn't he?

I groan and look back at his table, only to see him already smirking at me with his arms usually crossed. Oh, he's gonna get it soon. Just watch. I glare back at him and his smirk widens and transforms into a grin. This guy! I stand up, willing to throw the first punch, but the girls grab my forearm, whispering calming words to me. I puff out a hot breath of air and sit back down. I hear the guys on his table laugh and I was about to stand up again when the girls held me back. Oh he's lucky I'm not alone.

"That was close. I think we should continue our lunch outside. It's a beautiful autumn day...kinda." We all turn our heads to look outside. It's storming, the trees are even bending and the rain making it almost impossible for us to even look out the window. I guess summer really is over. We turn back around to look at Zada and she shrugs.
"What? I said kinda." She says and I shake my head and stand up. The girls exchange worried looks.

"Calm down guys, I'm just going to the library. I need a new book." I say and it's the truth. I found myself reading a lot of new genres of books lately. Before, I used to read thrillers and horror stories, but now I'm more into romances and stuff like that. My personal favourite is hush hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. I'm obsessed and in love with Patch. I started reading the book three days ago and now I need the next part, crescendo.

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