Chapter veinte y nueve

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"We have officially finished our first part of the BHWF." Mister Kingston, our school's principal announces into a microphone. The whole room full of students cheer with enthusiasm. It's half past six p.m. and I expected most of the students to be tired, but I guess they aren't.

"Sadly, although Kingston high seemed to have the pants on during the games, due to the fact that two gamer got disqualified, making us a smaller group, compared to Peterson and Jefferson, we have to be happy to even say that we're tied." He continues. I know, most of the students nod and only a few turn towards me, I feel guilty enough to drop my head in shame.

"But because I know all of you who participated today gave their best and lead us to be tied with both of those schools, we are having dinner in the valley." He finishes, making the whole crowd cheer with another level of enthusiasm.

"Yes!" I hear Stella say next to me and shake my head in amusement. I hope Hades and I can go too. I look over to his table and frown when I see his eyes glued to his phone. I seem not to be the only one who noticed and laugh when a teacher snatches the phone out of his hand.

"What's so funny?" I hear Bradley's voice behind me and turn around, smiling at him.
"Your face, you little gossip girl." I answer, making his face change into one of confusion.

"Guess who called me from down under and asked me if I was alright earlier today?" I help him out and he grins at me cheekily. I can feel my friend's eyes on us, but ignore them. The majority of the students are already standing up and getting out of here. I look back at where the principal was staying and am surprised when he is already gone.

"Aren't you gonna come up with me? We only have ten minutes to prepare and then meet at the bus." I hear Zada ask whilst standing up from her seat. I nod at her and look back at Bradley, standing up myself.

"We'll talk about that later." I tell him and he rolls his eyes, but nods. He stands up as well, leaving me, Zada, Brooklyn and Stella to get out of the room as the last ones.

"I still don't like him." Brooklyn says and I just shrug at her after rolling my eyes secretly.
"Whatever." I say, not in the mood to fight about him yet another time. We did have a few conversations about me being his friend again, which always ended up in either an argument or a fight.

"Whatever." She murmurs, making me roll my eyes again. I'm not going to talk about him again. I'm not going to-
"Why are you so blind? He definitely only wants to get into your pants again. I can tell you that." She continues. I shrug again, making her groan. I'm not going to fight with her again.

"Brooke, leave it. It's my business. You don't have to like him." I say and watch her face turn into one of anger. Here we go.

"Yeah okay, sure. Don't cry on my shoulder when he plays you again." She says and I was about to answer when Zada interrupts.

"Guys, please not again. I don't like him either Brooke. But if Em likes him and thinks it's a good idea to give him another chance, then why don't we just let her. It's her heart after all." She says, making me frown. It's my heart after all...


"I'm so full." I complain, leaning back on my seat in the bus. I shouldn't have eaten that extra dish. I glance to my right to see Bradley snickering. I would hit his head, but I'm too full.

"I told you the nacho's were enough." He tells me for the second time. I glare at him and roll my eyes after seeing him grin at me. But his face expression changes when he looks at something behind me. I don't even bother looking at my friends, because those are the ones sitting behind me.

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