Chapter catorce

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Emma's PoV:

"You ready?" Stella asks me and I nod. I've applied my mascara and put some lip gloss on my lips. It is already six thirty and the game starts any minute. We decided to meet at Stella's, because she lives right next to the school, literally. Her house is one minute away from the building. I left my car in the school's parking lot, so I can drive home after the game.

We exit the house and turn left. We are on our way to Kingston high's first football game this year. Thank god it is not against Peterson, because I don't think we're ready for them yet. They would probably beat us by one point again and the guys would be so mad and aggressive for the rest of the year. Instead we are playing against some school, I haven't heard before.

Before I know it, we are already in front of the football field, which is already packed with people. The benches are almost completely occupied, but I confidently walk up to Bradley, who is impatiently waiting for us. I quickly thank him for reserving the seats for us and we hug.

"No prob. I gotta get down now. Root for us, girls." He winks at us and I laugh when he runs down the field and towards his coach. I sit down and feel Stella sit down next to me. Brooklyn and Zada should be here soon. I quickly text them our location.

"It's still weird to see you guys this close after all that you told me." I hear Stella say and shrug at her. Maybe it does look weird, especially after I talked so much trash about him, which was true. But the fact that he trusted me with his sexuality maybe brought us back together, as friends of course. We started smiling at each other in the hallways and when we had to do a group project in one of the classes I shared with him, we started talking again.

"I know, but he has changed." I tell her and she frowns at me. I wish I could tell her, my friends in general, but I promised not to tell anybody. The other thing is, they have not been there when me and Bradley were in a relationship. They transferred to our school only a little more than one year ago. Well Zada was here before, but that's another story. Stella and Brooklyn got kicked out in their old school and had to transfer to ours.

"How so?" She asks.

"Well we started talking again and I can really tell he has. He seems happier and more open minded." I answer.

"Would you consider being in a relationship with him again?" She asks and I snort and instantly shake my head.

"No. And if I ever do, I'll tell you and you snap me back to reality." I say and she laughs. I'm a hundred percent sure that I won't fall for him again. First there would be his sexuality, but also our past. We are better off as friends and I can really need a good listener. Because he really is a good listener and I trust him.

"Did we miss anything?" Zada asks, sitting down next to Stella. Brooklyn sits down next to Zada and I smile and happily place my purse to my right. That means more space for me.

"No, not at all. Did you buy me a pack of m&m's?" I ask her and she widens her eyes, probably remembering the fact that I asked her to bring me some food.

"I forgot, but I have a hot dog." She says, showing me her hot dog and I roll my eyes. Not really a surprise that she forgot to buy me my stuff.

"Good for you. I'll go buy me my m&m's. Be right back." I say and stand up with my purse. I hope there won't be a long line. We all know how it looks like when there's only one stand that sales everything. I sigh when I come face to face with a probably longer line than in the school cafeteria when it's taco Tuesday. I run a hand through my hair and get myself to the very end of the line. Good thing I don't really care about football.

Hades' PoV:

"What do you mean, you don't wanna sit here?" I ask Jaiden with a little anger hinting in my voice. The whole ride he has been going on and on about how he hates missing the first game of the season. And when I told him that maybe it wasn't a good idea to watch it, he asked if I was stupid and commanded me to drive faster. God, this guy is bipolar, let me tell you.

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