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Emma's PoV:

"He did what?!" I hear Stella yell through the phone and I quickly pull it away from my ear. It's weird enough to talk about this in a public bathroom, I don't need her to destroy my eardrums. I've been in here for the past five minutes, trying to calm my nerves. Why would Hades talk to me about sex this early? I mean, yes we do make out and stuff, but sex is a whole new level.

I'm not ready for that. And I know he was just teasing me, but it made me realize that sooner or later we're going to have sex. But am I ready for that? And do I want him to take my virginity? The truth is, I don't know...yet. I groan again and place the phone back on my ear.

"Yes, he said that. But he also said that he was just teasing and that we don't need to rush things." I say. I told her as soon as I stepped into the small cabin of the cinema's restroom. Stella is the most experienced one in our group, so I thought she could help me.

"Well, why are you stressing over it so much. If he says that, he means it. I mean, come on. We know Hades, he wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable around him." She says and I sigh. She's right, I just need to chill.

"Besides, he is hot. If I were you I would've jumped on him the second he showed affection towards me." I hear her continue and shake my head. He is hot, but my virginity is something important to me.

"Of course you would." I roll my eyes, hearing her chuckle.
"Also, we both know you're meant for each other. And I know your virginity is important to you. So I wouldn't approve if you'd just hump some stranger. It's Hades, Emma. You guys are meant to be together. You couldn't pick anybody better to take it, trust me." She says.

"I-I know. But, I'm just not ready. Plus, I don't even know how to- you know." I sigh, moving around in the cabin.
"Oh you don't need to know anything about that. You just have to let it go. It's natural, so don't think too much about it. Just relax and go back to him. He's probably already worried about you." She says and I nod.

"Okay, Thanks Stella, I'll call you tomorrow." I say.
"You better." She jokes and we hang up. I take a huge breath before leaving the cabin and heading back out to where I left Hades.

"Hey guys." I say when I approach them at the couch. Hades comes to my side and places an arm around my shoulders. I smile up at him, confused as to why he's so red.

"You're blushing." I point out and pinch his cheek. He groans and gently smacks my hand away.
"Whatever. We decided we'd go get dinner at Darmetir's." He says and I nod. Oh, it's been a while since I ate at Darmetir's.


"It seems like you and Bradley are warming up to each other?" I ask Hades as soon as we step into his room. It's already past ten p.m. and I'm tired as heck. We ate and talked after the movie and I loved it. I really enjoyed the fact that Hades didn't mind Bradley at all. He even asked him to pass him the salt.

"Nah, I was just being nice." He shrugs, pulling off his shirt and laying down on his bed. I know I'm blushing, so I turn around to remove my make up. Hades bought cosmetic wipes for me and placed it in his bathroom, so that I don't have to steal Maria's.

I was just washing my face when he stepped into the bathroom and gave me a shirt of his, after kissing my temple. I smile and close my eyes shortly.

"Thank you." I say when he pulled away and I look at him through the mirror. I blush when I see him studying me with his arm around my waist and his other arm leaning on the counter next to the sink.

The hand that was on my waist moves up my back as he plays with my hair. I smile at the simple gesture. He smiles as well, eyes still fixed on my face, but not over the mirror, no. He's just standing next to me, with his front pressed onto my side, while he looks down on the side of my face.

"You're so beautiful." I hear him whisper and a second later he kisses my head again, before leaving the room. I blush, before biting my lip from smiling and shaking my head. He can be so random with his compliments. I love it.

I quickly change into his shirt, snuggling into the soft fabric. It smells like Hades and I love it. I quickly throw the wipes away and turn off the lights in the bathroom, before joining Hades in bed. Thank god he has the blankets pulled over his beautiful muscular chest. I suck at hiding the fact that this affects me so much.

"Come here." He says and I crawl under the blankets and snuggle into his side. He chuckles and turns off his bedside lamp. I feel him kiss my forehead and sigh, before plopping myself up on his chest to look down on him. I don't see much, but enough to see him frowning at me.

"What are you-" I interrupt him by kissing his lips slowly, but passionately. He quickly kisses me back and places his hand on my neck to pull me closer. I smile and pull away.

"Thank you." I whisper and hear him gulp.
"For what?" He asks, making me smile while tracing his chest.

"For not pressuring me." I tell him. I really am thankful that he gives me time.
"Did you think I would do that?" He asks, hurt hinted in his tone.

"I- I don't know." I say, honestly. Old Hades wouldn't, but he has changed and has probably been with a lot girls before.

"Emma, I wouldn't want you to feel pressured. I want you to be comfortable around me. Please don't think I'd ever do that. I was just teasing back at the movies. I don't need sex to know that I lo-" He cuts himself off, before sitting up on the bed in front of me, making me sit up as well.

"I love you, Emma. And I don't need sex to know that. The pace we are going is just perfectly fine. For me and for you." He tells me. Oh gosh, he dropped the L-bomb.

"I- Hades, I-"
"You don't have to say it, because I said it. I just want you to know that. I actually thought this was clear too." He chuckles and I smile.

"What else is clear to you? Just to make sure." I joke, caressing his jaw. He leans into my touch and places his hands on my waist, pulling me on his lap.

"Well a lot. For example that you're beautiful. Inside and out. It's clear for everyone, no doubt. Also, that I'm lucky. Actually the whole wide world is lucky to be blessed with you. And I'm not gonna let you go anytime soon." He kisses my jaw and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"You sure you're talking about me?" I giggle when his mouth travels down to my neck, leaving butterfly kisses all over that area.
"A hundred percent." He murmurs against my skin.

"Hades." I say, pulling away, so I can place my forehead on his.
"I love you. So much, I would do anything for you." I whisper, closing my eyes.

He kisses my lips softly, smiling into the kiss. I smile back and bite his bottom lip before pulling away.

"Say it again." He says, placing his forehead on mine again. I roll my eyes playfully and tighten my grip around him.
"I love you." I whisper right next to his ear, before pecking his cheek.

"I love you too. So fucking much." He kisses me again and turns us, so that I'm laying on my back with him hovering above me.

"Good night." I say after kissing him again.
"Good night." He chuckles and gets off me.

A/N: That was the second part and the last part of the bonus chapter. Thank you guys for literally reading this after years of officially completing this book lol.

Xoxo, Devilsmom.

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