Chapter treinta y nueve

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The drive from the playground to my house is silent. I enjoy Hades' hand around mine while his other one is steering. I pick up his hand and kiss his knuckles, like he did to me at the park. He sighs and finally pulls up in my street. I look at the clock on my phone. It's already past midnight, mom is going to kill me. I'm still surprised she hadn't called me.

"We're here." Hades says and gets out of the car after parking in front of my house. I sigh, sad that the day ended already. I really enjoyed spending time with him. At the circus, we held hands the whole time. He payed for everything, which made me feel very uncomfortable, but he's just so stubborn. The lunch was good too. I'm happy we didn't fight.

It looked like we almost fought during talking about Bradley, but he bit his tongue and finally realized that Bradley is a friend. Even though, he said he wouldn't give him a chance, I will make him. I step out after Hades opened the door for me and let him take my hand. He leads me to my front porch.

"Emma." He says, before I got to pull out my keys. I turn to him, frowning and waiting for him to continue.

"You might not know that, but you mean a lot to me. You always have. And it breaks my heart to think I caused you so much pain. I never ever want to make you feel like that again. I need you to know that you can tell me everything. Whenever you need me, I'm here. I'll always be here for you. No more break ups. I need you in my life." He tells me, making me hug his waist, while he caresses my cheek.

"I know that you always have my back. And you should know that I always have your back. I couldn't even stay away from you if I wanted to. I need and appreciate you so much. Even more than you think I do." I say, pulling him closer and laying my cheek on his chest.

He pulls away for a second, making me frown and look up at him. He smiles and leans down to meet my lips. I immediately kiss back and he wraps his arms around my shoulders, because I still have mine wrapped around his waist. The kiss is so slow and passionate, reminding me of the one at the dance. But I can't enjoy it as much, since I frown when I hear a muffled sound behind the door.

"Shhh." I hear someone say and we pull away from each other. What was that? We both look around, but shake our heads. Maybe we just imagined it. Hades shrugs and leans back in, when I hear my dad's loud voice behind the door.

"What are you guys doing?" I jump away from Hades, making him groan. I look at the door, expecting it to be pulled open, but it doesn't.
"Nothing. I just wanted to say good bye to Maria." I hear my mom say and roll my eyes.

"Oh god." I groan and pull out my key in order to open the door, revealing my mom, Maria and dad. I roll my eyes and Hades shakes his head.
"You guys are weird." He tells them, making me nod in agreement.

My dad looks between us and them and then at us again.
"What the heck is going on?" He asks. I could see that he just woke up.
"Nothing, honey. Go back to bed." My mom orders and he rolls his eyes, muttering something before going back upstairs.

I place my hand on my hips and look at my mother with a raised eyebrow. She looks at me guiltily, before shrugging.
"Hey. You're home?" She tries, but I shake my head and turn to Hades. He smiles at me, before leaning down and giving me a quick peck. I blush and avoid eye contact with anybody. He chuckles and kisses my cheek, before pulling away from me.

"We're leaving, abuela. Bye Ana." He says and turns around. I wave good bye to Maria and close the door after her. I shake my head at my mom, making her scoff.

"Oh come on. Tell me what happened between you two." She says, following me up the stairs. I shake my head.
"Tomorrow. I'm too tired now." I say and she nods, sighing.

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