Chapter veinte y dos

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There goes my heart. It feels like it just got torn apart into tiny little pieces. I cry even harder and Hades pulls me towards him, this time so that I'm seated on his lap and the side of my head is laying on his chest. I can't.

"Please don't cry." He rubs my back.
"I can't stand it when you cry." He tells me and I smile sadly, still hiding my face in his chest.
"Hades, I'm so sorry." I say again.

"Stop saying that." He whispers.
"There is nothing to be sorry for." Oh, he has no idea. I hug his waist, feeling his muscles flex. I sigh when he kisses the top of my head and looks down at me. I'm so tired and exhausted. My feelings are getting the best of me.

"You feeling better?" He asks and I slowly nod on his chest, feeling the fabric of his shirt stick to my wet cheek. He sighs loudly and places his chin on the top of my head.

"You got me worried. Wanna talk about it?" He ask and I shake my head, making him chuckle. I enjoy the vibrations of his chest on my cheek and smile. I yawn and tighten my grip around him, before I pull away, wiping the rest of my tears with the palm of my hand.

"I'm a mess. Your shirt is all soaked." I laugh.
"It's okay." He gives me a warm smile. God, this boy. I reach behind him to take the ice cream again.

"I'm fine again. I'm sorry I held you up." I scoot back a little and he frowns.
"You didn't hold me back, no worries." He says and stands up. Is he really going to leave me? When he opens the door to look back at me, I smile.

"God, I can't just leave you like that." He closes to door again and sits down next to me on the bed. For a second I thought he was really going to leave me, but it's Hades. I smile and hand him his spoon. He gladly takes it and digs into the ice cream.

"You know what's funny?" He asks, eating his second scoop of pistachio. I glare at his spoon when he goes for it again.
"What?" I ask, nevertheless.

"Before I fainted, we had an argument and now, look where we are." He says and I nod.
"I know." I sigh and he takes another bite. Okay, that's it.

"Don't take all the pistachio!" I glare at him, making him smirk at me. I watch with wide eyes when he takes the biggest spoon of pistachio and puts it in his mouth.
"I'm not." He says, his mouth full of green deliciousness.

"Oh, you're going to pay for this." I threaten him, knowing I won't do anything. But just so he is scared. I hear him swallow hard and I laugh.

"It was worth it." He says and I roll my eyes.
"Whatever." I say. I lay my head on his shoulder and yawn. I'm tired and exhausted. All this crying made me wanna sleep for ages.

"You're tired. Should I leave?" He asks, yawning as well. I don't even think for a second when I shake my head. I take another spoonful of ice cream, before dropping my spoon into the bucket.

That's all I remember before my alarm clock pulls me out of my dream and I snap my eyes open. If that was a dream, then it felt hella real to me. But when I make a move to stretch and bump my hand against another, I know I wasn't dreaming. We must have fallen asleep. I swipe my phone, so the annoying sound of my alarm clock stops and I sit up.

I look around my room, realizing we really did fall asleep, because the ice cream is all melted and still opened on the floor. I make a face and slowly sit up, only to realize Hades' grip around my stomach. I smile and slowly unwrap his arm around me. I look at him, appreciating his peaceful looking face and his dark bangs falling over his forehead.

I shake him and hear his soft snores becoming uneven. I continue shaking him until he groans, making me giggle. He smiles at the sound of it and opens one eye. Before I know it, he wrapped his arms around me and somehow ended up hovering above me. I laugh when he tickles my sides. Good thing my period stopped yesterday. Imagine what would've happened if I still had it. Oh my god.

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