Chapter diez y ocho

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Emma's PoV:

When I walked in, Maria was already smiling at me, willing me to take a seat next to her. I hugged her first and then took a seat. I'm so glad she's alright. I know Hades would be devastated if he lost his grandmother. I couldn't bear looking at him, knowing he has no one from his family anymore.

"Darling, how have you been?" She asks me, taking my hand in hers.
"Great." I smile at her, not really knowing what to say. I mean, I love Maria. But we never really talk. She's just always there and treats me like one of her own grandchildren.

"That's nice. Has your mother told you about the plan?" She asks me and I nod. Yeah, she did. I'm not looking forward to it, but I guess it's a safe idea.
"I hope you don't mind. I know you guys are still not really talking and definitely not friends, but can you just try to tolerate him for the time being. You can put him in his place, he needs that anyways." She asks me and I chuckle at her words.

"I will. But you make sure to get better soon." I say, smiling down at her again. For a moment she had me wondering what she was going to ask from me.

"I'll try and maybe you will find some time to talk. I know you both are getting fed up with this topic, but you need to talk it out. Your friendship was just way too valuable for such a bad ending." She says and I hold back a sigh. This woman is so passionate about mine and Hades' friendship.

"I can't promise anything, Maria. He has been back for quite a while now and we have each been living our own lives without one another. I think we are perfectly fine with that." I argue and she openly rolls her eyes.

"Whatever, just don't bite each other's heads off." She says and I nod and stand up again.
"Hades said, he would be here in a few. Mom fell asleep and will probably not come anymore. She had a long day in the store, so-"

"Oh yeah, yeah. I understand." She says, before the door opens and a tired looking Hades steps in. I avoid looking at him, feeling anger overcome me. Calm down. I still can't believe he snapped at me like that at the party.

"You look tired, niño. You both do. Go drive home and drive safely. I will take a nap now as well. Call me first thing in the morning, Hades." Maria tells us and I nod. I see Hades hug her and kiss her on the cheek.

I wait for him to get out of my way, before I hug her as well and say a quick 'goodbye'. I turn around to follow Hades outside, but she grips my wrist, making me face her again. She pulls me down and I roll my eyes when I hear her whisper the following words.

"Please don't break his heart again." She says and nevertheless I nod and eventually follow Hades to my truck. I didn't break his heart. I refuse to think that. Because he definitely broke mine.


I left Hades downstairs to get my mother in the house. She's fast asleep and it's somehow funny to think about him carrying my mother to her room, like she was a child and he was the adult.

I fall down on my bed, face first and sigh. Today has been an eventful and exhausting day. I hear a slight knock on my door and stand up again to face Hades.

"What?" I ask and he crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the door frame. Don't look at his flexing arms, just don't Emma!
"I just wanted to tell you that I will leave early tomorrow to pick up some of my stuff. Just in case Ana asks." He tells me and I nod, still not saying a word. He sighs and steps into my room.

"Are you okay?" He asks, me and I frown at him. Shouldn't I be the one asking him that after what happened with his grandma?
"Are you?" I ask back and he shrugs, running a a hand through his hair. He has never been good in expressing his feelings. That's why I know now, that he definitely isn't okay. He loves his grandma so much and is probably blaming himself for not being there for her.

"Listen, about what my grandma said. The part about you breaking my heart-" He changes the topic, making my head snap up to him again.
"How did you hear that?" I ask him. She whispered. I mean, sure a little loudly but loud enough for Hades to hear? He gives me a sort of 'are you serious look' and I shrug and sit back down on my bed.

"Anyways, don't listen to her when she says stuff like that. She somehow made up her own mind about our friendship." He shrugs and I nod, snorting. As if I would ever believe that anyways. He catches my look and frowns down at me.
"What?" He asks.

"Did you really think I would believe that? I know she always kinda shipped us, so no big deal." I shrug and he nods slowly.
"Well, yeah. After all you have been pretty harsh to me, haven't you?" He asks, a hint of anger in his voice and emphasizing the 'have'.

"Oh, so I have been harsh to you, huh?" I stand up, crossing my arms in front of him.
"Well, it definitely wasn't me who took their relationship with some stupid jock over a long-term friendship." He says, chest already rising in anger. Wow. Just wow!

"For me it was just deciding between two jocks, then." I instantly snap back and he balls his fists. That was probably too much and I instantly regret saying it. But he has no right to make me feel like I am the bad guy here.

"And it definitely wasn't me who called the other person a slut!" I continue, shoving a finger on his chest. He groans and sits down on my bed, fingers running through his hair.
"But I didn't mean that." He says through gritted teeth, holding eye contact with me.

"Sure as hell said it as if you did." I sigh, running a hand through my hair as well. I know he didn't mean it and I'm really not mad about that. I look down at him, not really wanting to make him more upset, because of Maria and all that stuff that's going on.
"You know what, Hades? I'm tired and really not up for a conversation with you. So would you be so kind and let me sleep?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips.

He looks up at me and I swear to god my heart just stopped beating when I saw his face. He looks so vulnerable and I would do everything to just cuddle with him and sooth him until we both fall asleep. But I know I can't do that and probably won't ever do that with him again.

"We need to-"
"I said no." I say with a final tone and he shuts his mouth.

He closes his eyes for a few seconds before standing up, clenching his jaw and angrily leaving my room. I groan quietly and close the door after him. I know he wants to talk and I know deep inside of me I want to too, but not now and definitely not here in my house with a sleeping mom downstairs.

I sigh again and quickly change into my pyjamas. I hear my phone buzz a few times and unlock it to see a few missed calls and messages from the girls. I roll my eyes and turn my phone off completely.

I'm way too tired to deal with them either. Today has been a total flop. First reason would be Hades slaving me around. Secondly Hades teasing me at the football game. Then the party, where I didn't even get to drink and hang out with my friends, because of...well Hades.

And to top it all off, Hades' grandma fell down the stairs and made him sleep in my house for however long it takes her to recover. Let's hope we really won't bite each others heads of.

I pull the covers over my head and let myself fall in a deep slumber.

A/N: A really short chapter, sorry. But I hope you enjoyed it anyways. Xoxo.

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