Part 6

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This is something I couldn't wait to show 'Xavier. I mean this is like the perfect home to make, now we can really settle down we just have to make this house a home. I drove to the garage to park the car and the look on 'Xavier's face was priceless when I opened the garage and he saw my cars.

'Xavier: "D*mn baby you doing it like that now?"

Me: "I guess so but come on I wanna show you the house, well mansion, or castle cause that really what it look like"

'Xavier: "Yeah show me and how many bedrooms is it?"

Me: "Ugh just come on I don't want to tell you you have to figure it out yourself"

I grabbed his hand and I showed him inside. When you walk into the house from the garage you're in a hallway that goes from the front door that wraps around to the backyard. We went towards the front of the house and we walked in going to the kitchen and it was huge. I couldn't wait to start cooking and as a matter of fact we can just have Thanksgiving here since it's already enough room for everybody.

Me: "Baby you are going to love it. Everything is big and spacious so we can leave each other and go to different parts of the house to chill out and stuff. Come on and follow me", we walked from the kitchen and living room and we walked to the movie theatre.

'Xavier: "Wow you have a movie theatre?"

Me: "No We have a movie theatre and that's not it". I walked out of there and I went to show him his office. His office was big and it had rooms in it with 2 safes.

'Xavier: "Oh yea I'm loving this", he went and sat in his chair and got comfortable looking like a real boss.

Me: "Yeah these two rooms have safes in it with 2 different lock combinations.

'Xavier: "One for the money and two for the drugs yes that's perfect"

Me: "And then this room is a meeting room just in case you don't feel like driving to yo trap"

'Xavier: "Wow baby now I can really stay home and work"

Me: "Yupp but that's not it, come on", I went a little more down the hall and opened the door for the basketball court.

'Xavier: "Yyess. Man I'm a be taking everybody money coming in here. This is perfect"

Me: "Yeah now come on", we walked in and went through another door in the gym and it was the work-out room.

'Xavier: "Oh yeah ya boy finna be in good shape"

Me: "I thought you might like that"

'Xavier: "Baby I don't think I need to see anything else this is perfect"

Me: "We've only seen a few rooms in the house and this is just the 1st floor, it's a whole lots more to go"

'Xavier: "D*mn! Baby we should've been living here a long time ago"

Me: "No I think we waited at the perfect time. We both are good and so is Jaidyn even though he was a real surprise. Now I see what I want with my life and that's to be a good wife, a great mother, and always me. I guess I just needed time for me and now that we're finally seeing eye to eye this is perfect"

'Xavier: "Yeah I think we both did. We both needed that break and I'm sorry for what I did and how I said what I said I was just speaking my mind"

Me: "No you don't have to apologize for that I was wrong for leaving like that and leaving everybody high and dry. I want to apologize for doing that and keeping you away from Jaidyn for so long"

'Xavier: "It's all good I did the same thing to you. But come on show me the rest of this huge house"

Me: "Okay come on" We walked around and I showed him all the bedrooms, bathrooms and then we went to the 3rd floor. It wasn't a whole floor it was just like one room upstairs and nobody was allowed up there but us.

'Xavier: "Oh sh*t!!"


Janette: "Baby where is Dj?", she said laying down sounding hoarse.

Me: "He's in his room sleep. I got him jus lay down and relax"

Janette: "I can't do that. If I don't help him it's no telling what's gonna happen to my poor baby"

Me: "No I got it you already not feeling good just let me do it"

Janette: "You're not gonna be able to take care of Dj by yourself I'm telling you now"

Me: "How much you wanna bet I can take care of him no problem"

Janette: "I bet you half a million you can't take of Dj by yourself with no help and have no problem"

Me: "Alright bet"

We shook on it and then I turned up the baby monitor so I could hear him when he cried and went to sleep. This was going to be one of the easiest bets I'll ever make I mean how hard could it be to take care of my own son?

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