Part 56

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I heard the door so I got up from the couch looking through the peephole to see Debbie and the boys.

"Daddy!!", the boys ran to my legs hugging me and I picked them up wrestling with them. I haven't seen them in a few weeks or anybody for that matter. I've been isolated from everybody lately, including me not working, my family, friends just everybody. These were the only people I wanted to see.

My mom through my birthday party since she's never been able to and Debbie came which made me a little happier. I thought I was right but the more I think the more I know what I lost. I've tried to think of bad things but I was just a fool not realizing how good I had it.

"Jaidyn, Jabari can you go in the room so me and your dad can talk please?", she looks amazing and sounds so sweet now that we aren't together. She glowing and her stomach is getting bigger making me happy.

"Yes mama", they ran to the back of the house and Debbie sat down on the couch across from me.

"So listen, I don't want anything from you and my lawyer called me on the way here saying she got our court day moved up so our divorce will be coming to an end sooner than we thought"

I can't believe I'm really letting this happen.

"How have you been?", I asked ignoring everything she just said.

"I've been like a new person, I hope you're happy but by the looks of this place it tells me otherwise", she said looking around. I had pizza boxes, beers, liquor bottles, Chinese food boxes and everything everywhere. My clothes were in different places and the place just looked a mess.

"The only time I've been happy is whenever I see you", I said honestly holding my head down.

"Maybe years ago but you don't mean that now. I just wanted you to be happy about the date and you having your freedom away from the disgusting woman", she stood up and walked to the back room and I heard her saying bye to the boys. She came back trying to get out the front door but I wasn't having that. I picked her up bridal style and she fought me but I held her closer to me and I closed and locked the master bedroom door.

"You've lost your mind 'Xavier. Move so I can leave. I don't want the boys hearing me scream", she said trying to get past me.

"Then don't scream", I grabbed her waist kissing her to the bed and laying on top of her. I tried to take her clothes off but then my body stopped and I started shaking.


I tazed 'Xavier because I figured he would try something like this. I'm done I can't take anymore. I miss him like crazy sometimes I mean there's no way you can just stop something like this after we've been together so long. I've known him most of my whole life and no matter what he's done he's been able to fix his mistakes but now, this, there's no fixing. You can only fix something so many times before you realize it's time to get a new one.

I opened the door leaving him there and I left. Desiree was waiting for me anyway. She said she was going to stay with me because she didn't want me living alone while I'm so far in my pregnancy and I shouldn't drive.

"What happened? Why you take so long?", she asked as she pulled off.

"He tried to have sex with me"

"And what did you do?"

"I tazed him. Nothing major"

"What you mean nothing major, the boys are there now what if something happens..."

"Girl it wasn't like a police taser it was just enough for him to get off of me. See", I pulled it out and showed her it was a small one you had to be close to someone to use.

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