Part 10

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When I woke up I was real tired but I knew I had to much stuff to do today so I just went to my closet and threw on some sweats and a muscle shirt so I could go downstairs to get started on the food since tomorrow's Thanksgiving. When I got done getting dressed I saw 'Xavier wasn't in the bed so I went to go check on Jaidyn and just before I could pick him up 'Xavier came in the room.

'Xavier: "What I tell you? You not picking him up he's mine now"

Me: "No this is my baby we're attached so move away"

'Xavier: "Look if you want a baby we can work on another one for you but he's mine"

Me: "No this is my baby and I'm not having anymore kids"

'Xavier: "I bet we gone have another one"

Me: "No cause you getting fixed", I said about to get Jaidyn.

'Xavier: "No I'm not and we've been having sex everyday since you got back raw so you could be pregnant right now", he said moving me over getting Jaidyn so he could feed him since he already had him a bottle.

Me: "Don't say that I can't be pregnant I'm gone be 19 with two kids"

'Xavier: "Yupp with the best baby daddy in the world", he said smacking my butt and walking out of the room.

I just stood there for a few seconds thinking because I really didn't want to be pregnant especially with me still in school. After I collected all of my thought I went back to the room to grab my phone off the charger so I could call my mom and Ms. Leslie.


Me: "Hey Ms. Leslie are you busy right now?"

Ms. Leslie: "No why? Is everything okay?"

Me: "Yes ma'am I just wanted to see if you could come over to help me with thanksgiving dinner and I want to talk to you and my mom"

Ms. Leslie: "Okay I'm on my way"

Me: "Alright bye"

Ms. Leslie: "Bye"


Now to call my mom


Me: "Hey mom what you doing right now?"

Mom: "Nothing I was just about to call you to see what you were doing"

Me: "I'm just about to start cooking for tomorrow and I just wanted to see if you could come over to help me and I wanted to talk to you about something else to"

Mom: "I'm on my way"

Me: "Okay bye"

Mom: "Bye"


I walked downstairs and 'Xavier was had Jaidyn laying on his chest watching football in the living room.

Me: "Baby, mamas are coming over"

'Xavier: "What? Why? I was gone put him to sleep and handle some business with you"

Me: "No sir this factory is closed down for repairs until the owner says so and they're coming over because I want them to"

'Xavier: "Alright and the owner says the factory not closed down for nothing and will be there for inspection later on today"

Me: "'Xavier I am so serious I'm not having sex with you until I figure out some stuff"

'Xavier: "Then don't be mad if I get it from somebody else", he mumbled thinking I didn't hear him. I walked over to him and I smacked him on his head because I didn't want him to jump up and make Jaidyn fall. "What was that for"

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