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So last night sequoia and I had went to our 8 grade formal and had a fun time.

Then afterwards my friends and I went to Golden Corral. So after a while we were sitting down minding our own business and apparently this other school had their formal yesterday as well. So as they were walking to their seats they past by our table and whispered "they ugly" and they all started laughing like...😑 But we wasn't phased by those insecure females we continued to enjoy the rest of our night and look cute.

Why do girls just hate on each other without even knowing them?

Like are you really that insecure that you have to bring other people down? You need to check yo self before I really hurt yo feelings

I was glad at least one of them from that group gave one of my friends a compliment on her dress

I guess there are still genuine people out there

They want you to be pressed and bothered. Don't fight unless you're touched, don't feed into drama if it's all shade and not directed and continue to sit and look pretty, calm and unbothered

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