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This year was a year of reflecting, realization, and redemption

For a lot of people this year was terrible, depressing or just bad overall

I'll admit I had my moments where I felt lost or confused and still do but I didn't let that stop from making progress in myself

Perseverance is key for self progression

Last year and years before I had self esteem issues and body confidence issues I just had a lot of things going on internally/mentally

But I realized that in order for me to make progress in myself had to change the way I think.
Because, what we as young women don't realize is that the way we talk about ourselves or the way we think about ourselves plays a BIG part in our self esteem.
We all know the saying "your mind is your biggest/worst enemy"'s true
What you feed your mind is what it will consume
So if you're constantly calling yourself ugly,stupid, or not good enough
You will start to believe it even if your joking, your mind will get used to hearing those words. Forcing you to become a lesser version of yourself

Last year and the years before I used beat myself up for the way I looked naturally....I disliked things about myself that I couldn't change like having a big forehead, being flat footed, and having small boobs...the list goes on
But Having that kind of mindset is very toxic and it destroys you mentally this is why it's important to change your thinking
And I know you're probably thinking "well that's easier said than done" and I agree it is....self love is a process and a journey and it's not easy. Nobody goes from self hate to self love over night because it takes time to stop practicing toxic habits and develop healthy ones. To become a better version of yourself you have to be willing to put in the work

You have to work to find the beauty in yourself no matter what you look like....whether that's when you wake up with crust in your eyes or before you go to bed tired with bags
but if you can still find beauty in that when you don't feel you're best then you have won

This year for me was my come up from my own inner demon I feel content and secure with my looks and my body and I'm proud of myself and I'm only going to get better from here ❤️

I know it's been a while but I wanted to write this for myself and for others
Because you never know who you could inspire
I believe every girl should be able to say out loud "I am beautiful,pretty,stunning" and actually MEAN it
It's highly important to not let other people tell you that you're "overly confident"....people will forever talk shit and thats another reason why young women struggle to find the beauty in themselves and it's really unfortunate

"People are going to talk regardless of what you do so give them a good reason to" -bri💓

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2018 ⏰

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