DBG pt. 2

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👑• Dear Black Girl...LEARN TO SAY NO!!
(Being nice and saying yes when someone asks for something isn't bad
but sometimes you have to say no because you'll become that person that everyone asks for favors and give you nothing in return and these people will eventually start taking advantage of you)

👑•Dear Black Girl...QUIT BEING STUBBORN!!
(Of course we all like to be independent and do things on our own
that's what a lot of black women are known for
but we need to learn to accept help when offered we don't always have to do things alone)

👑•Dear Black Girl...FOCUS ON YOUR GOALS!!
(I stress this so much in this book because
if I'm still trying to get back on track with my goals I thought someone else could be struggling too
because when you achieve something you get that feeling of accomplishment and you fall in love with that feeling and when you feel lazy or you start slacking use that feeling to motivate yourself to achieve more)

(Stop being in such a rush to be in a relationship only to be in the "talking stage" for a whole year because that person doesn't wanna commit
Stop seeking validation from a nigga that spells respect with a K 💀💀
Because he obviously doesn't care about you... or his education
Start redirecting your attention on someone that will help you evolve and has RESPECT for you)

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I wanna start asking you guys questions after each of my chapters sooooo

{when do you guys go back to school?🤔}
We go back on the 31😭😭😭😫

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