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I was in church today and the pastor started to speak about how we as human beings quit something because it's "too hard" that we quit before we even start something

It made me realize that we give up to early on the smallest things because we let laziness get in the way
Because we get "distracted" by things that aren't important
That we lose focus of why we started in the first place

Let me use myself as an example
I used to love drawing, reading, and making arts and crafts as a kid
I was always doing stuff either I was making something out of random items I found around the house or I was reading a book

I read so much that in 4 grade I was reading at a 6 grade level and when I had art class my teacher would always put my projects and paintings on display or she would use them as examples for other classes

But the crazy part is
Is that I still love to read books and I still think of things to do creatively but because I get distracted by my phone or "I just don't feel like it "
or I'll say "I can read tomorrow"
And I never do it

But from now on that will change
I already have a plan on what I'm going to do and how I'm going to do it because I want to get in touch with my old self who was carefree and did things that made me happy

If something has been on your mind or heart to do something you've been wanting to do that would make you happy but you been putting it off because you get "distracted" or just too lazy to do it
do it now don't wait until tomorrow or on Monday because you'll never do it

*Question time: what something you used to love doing but stopped🤔

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