Police brutality

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I'm just trying to understand why the police think that just because you are black that I am guilty of committing a crime I didn't even do

My skin skin color has nothing to do with who I am inside so why do you think you have the authority to pin someone down for doing basically nothing

Both of these black men had a family and it's sad that now there kids will no longer have a father in their life to support them and it's bad enough that black teens are already stereotyped to grow up without a dad in their lives

And I'm sure they both amazing Fathers but all of that was taking away because of these careless policemen who don't care about us and never did

And People have the nerve to wonder why black people are always so angry it's because we can never get a break and we can never be treated equally

we're people too with feelings and family that we love and when we see on the news or on social media that another black female or male was killed because of a dumb white police officer it scares me to think that either myself or a family member could be next

Just a coincidence that this happens a day after Independence Day the day where amerikkka was finally free

But when will black people be free? When will we be able to not worry and just live


R.i.p to the men and women killed by ruthless and uncaring people we call the police my prayers are with their families

One day we will be free

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