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I've been coming to my peace.

The peace where i look at life and find the beauty in it. Sunny days make my soul shine. Lifting it in a way I wish it could be lifted everyday.

I find comfort in my bed. There I am not seen but hidden to let my soul free.

My spirit dances across the pathway God has set for me. But he says please don't fall. So I ask "When I fall can you catch me?" He simply nods his head and smiles as I continue to dance across the way.

Of course the times I stumbled he's there. God is my comfort. He wipes my tears and puts the smile on my face. He is the sunny days.

The people ask me how've I became so happy and I'll think of his glorious ways. His ways of waking me up, protecting me, and feeding me.

I'm thankful, I've been coming to my peace.

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