2016 part two / rant

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I don't mean to brag or nothing.

2016 was honestly a good mentally and emotionally year for me.

even though I lost someone.

Rest In Peace Trishanne

it was still good. every year people will complain it was a bad year. lemme ask you.

💌are you alive?

💌did you learn something?

💌did you smile or laugh?

💌did you actually cut people off from 2015?

💌did you actually change something about yourself you didn't like?

💌did you get close to God?

if you answered yes to any of these questions you had pretty decent year. Stop trying tout always see negative.

if you want a fresh start, take time off of social media and away form people this break.

📀actually connect with your inner self.

📀make goals for the next year or for the rest of the year.

📀change something about your surroundings.

📀tell someone you like them. if they don't like you move tf on. don't stay in one spot begging for someone.

just change the plan, so your point of view can change. don't give an opinion about something when you had done nothing

most people who say 2016 was the worst look dumb. cause they didn't make a move on what they actually wanted in life.

stay out of drama. Stop trying to fight everybody that comes into your sight.


yall think everything needs a response, for what!?

stay put if other people's business. of somebody tell you something keep that yo self ND stop trying to run you mouth.

THINK before you do some thing!

fully express how you feel no matter how dumb it may seem. somebody will actually get what your saying.

and honestly, truly learn to love people.

that may be the hardest ever but it's truly not. re-learn manners

every time you're about to say sorry replace with thank you. example: if you're late.
"sorry I'm late" NO "thank you for waiting for me"

okay im done

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