Free to be me

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I hear you cut me with your sharp words as if you just took a freshly sharpened knife and stabbed my brain to mess with my state of mind

As new oxygen starts to enter my brain everything starts to change as if I had taken my first drug . My tears start to fall rapidly..... unable to speak I try to swallow the lump in my throat filled with hurtful and unkind words I could've said but didn't just to spare your feelings. But why should I spare your feelings when you don't think twice about mine

Then you tried to seal up my fresh wound with your soothing words just to stop my glossy eyes from releasing more tears. But I didn't fall for it this time because I was exhausted. I was tired of you poking me with your abusive words

I listen to you so much that I became immune to your ways and accepted that that's the way you are

But now my mind has changed for the better and I won't let you abuse me any longer. Because I'm too strong for this kind of foolishness. My mentality has changed and now I am free from you. Free from your control and judgment. I am Free to be me

A look inside my brain🌙🌾

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