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You see that up there 👆🏽👆🏽
That's your crown

Your crown represents who you are inside

all black girls are queens but it's time all black girls start acting like it

and no I don't mean be stuck up and snobby I mean treating yourselves with respect and dignity
Because no one will ever respect you if you don't respect yourself first

I'm tired of seeing black girls being petty and putting each other down

How are you gonna call yourself a queen if you laugh when someone fails

How are you gonna call yourself a queen when you betray someone you care about or love

How are you gonna call yourself a queen when you make everyone feel bad about themselves

Queens don't do that. Queens try to help out people who need it. Queens try to make others feel happy even when they don't feel happy.

we are not supposed to be against each other
we are supposed to uplift each other

And I say we because a lot of us are guilty of it but it's time to change

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