Lord knows

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As I sit in this room and think, I realize I'm losing my patience. Lord knows I pray for it everyday. But he also knows I need to lose it to actually find it.

Imagine holding stuff in for five months cause you wanted to be the nice friendly person. You didn't want to be known as the mean and rude person.

My leg shakes more and my thoughts are more violent. Like how I wanna kill the people who've done wrong to me and the specific way how. Crazy right?

Well when your soul has been pushed into the pavement and stepped on you turn crazy. That's how my life works.

I wanna sit down and talk to you about how I feel but I can't. I become anxious and worry about how my feelings will be hurt even more.

I'm afraid to love!

There I said once again. Now you know my weakness. But like I said from the beginning.

The day I lose my mind, they'll tie me down to a chair and give me medicine to calm me.  And then and there I will have no weakness.


Don't give up guys. Please find the path God wants you to go down. Not the one you want to go down. I know it seems like I'm losing my mind. I am but it's all a process

Goodnight 💚

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