void stiles when...

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Void Stiles when he's trying to find you at the hospital

"Hi there" Void Stiles says to the host at the main counter as he looks up to him with an annoyed look. Two Onis appear behind him making the host stiffen with fear.

"Could you please page Y/N Y/L/N for me, please?" He asks entertained by his confused and shocked expression but it quickly turns into pain as the Oni sends its sword straight through the host's abdomen and watches him fall lifeless to the floor.

"Well I guess I'll just find her myself" He says turning to the Oni that murdered the man as the lights flicker above them.

He quickly finds your room as the Onis dodge and kill off any nurses or doctors in their path. He enters and moves beside your bed watching your sleeping body.

"So, so beautiful" He mutters to himself caressing your cheek with his hand causing you to slowly open your eyes and scream.

"Sshhh" He says putting his hand over your mouth as you try to move yourself onto the back of the bed pulling the covers with you in fear.

"Listen to me carefully, come with me and if you try to escape then I'll kill everyone you love," he says still covering your mouth as you try to wiggle out of his grip, "Got it?"

You nod your head rapidly as he slowly puts his hand down from your mouth.

Just as he reaches for your arm, you hop off the bed and run towards the door but the two Onis quickly block the exit with their swords.

A hand grabs at your waist and pulls you into their chest causing you to shriek again.

"You thought you could escape me huh?" He whispers in your ear as his breath travels down your spine.

"Well I'll tell you something, you can never escape me beautiful" He pulls you harder against his chest and his grip tightens causing you to shake in fear and discomfort.

"Do you understand?" He asks.

"Yes" You whisper as he pulls you out into the hallway and you see the dead bodies before you as your bare feet step into a pool of blood

"Don't worry, this isn't compared to what I'll do to your friends if you try to escape again"

He pulls your arm and drags you down the hall as the blood from your foot makes red footprints near the bodies.

Just as he pulls you into the elevator a familiar scream of your name erupts the floor.

"Stiles!" You scream his name, Void Stiles finally realizing. "Stiles! Stiles!" Void Stiles puts his hand over your mouth again as you try to wiggle out.

"Don't even think about it!" He snaps in your ear again.

As the elevator doors start to close Stiles comes out from the end of the hall spotting you immediately in Void Stiles's grasp.

"Y/N!" He screams and starts to run down towards you.

"It's too late Stiles" Void Stiles says as everything suddenly goes black and the doors close on him.

"NO!" He yells pushing against the doors trying to make them open again before he sprints down the stairs and outside seeing you lifeless in Void Stiles's arms.

"Y/N!" He try's to grab your unconscious body from Void Stiles but he only smirks as he gets blocked by the Onis.

"You'll never see her again Stiles. She's mine now" He says brushing a strand of hair from your face making Stiles's blood boil.

"Let her go. She's not apart of this"

"Oh but she is you see, and she always will be becaus-" He gets cut off by Kira's sword impales him and both of the Onis as they disintegrate into thin air.

Stiles quickly catches your body and you open your eyes suddenly with a gasp.

"Stiles?" You ask questioning yourself if it was really him.

"Yeah, it's me. It's all over. You're okay" He says and leans down and kisses you.


a/n: should I do a void stiles spam? I think it would be really cool but it's just a thought

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