stiles when...

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He turns and tries to attack you

"Stiles why do you shut me out! You've been acting strange for the past month! What's going on?" You yelled at your boyfriend.

For the past few weeks he hasn't been himself, always moody and aggressive not like the lovable, funny Stiles you know.

"I'll explain everything later just get out NOW!" He yelled pacing in his bedroom clutching his face in his hands. "No! I'm not leaving unless you tell me what going on!"

You could tell he was growing angry and his teeth were clenching together. You saw a glimpse of yellow in his eyes. No, not to Stiles, you thought.

You started backing away from him, the full moon was at its peak and with each second he couldn't control himself.

"Now you know so get out!! Get away from me!" Stiles started yelling and trying to contain himself.

"Stiles-!" You started but he leaped up and pushed you against the wall. He pinned your arms with his claws and his fangs inches from your face.

You closed your eyes and started to scream. You should've realized this sooner, but Stiles wasn't supposed to become a werewolf.

"Stiles please! It's me! Stiles I love you please! You can control this, just find your anchor! Find something that will help you control!" You looked up into his fiery, yellow eyes.

He finally started to calm down. His eyes softened upon you and he started to back away from the wall. His fangs and claws disappeared and his eyes turned back to normal as he sat down panting on his bed.

"Stiles?" You asked cautiously removing yourself from the wall and walking towards him.

"I should've told you. I was just so
ashamed. I didn't want to hurt you," You sat down beside him and stroked his shoulder. He noticed the blood dripping from your arms from where he dug his claws into them.

"Now look what I did. I'm a monster," He cried putting his face into his hands.

"Hey, look at me," You lifted his head and cupped his cheeks. "You're not a monster Stiles Stilinski. If you were a monster you would've killed me just now. But you controlled yourself, you found your anchor," You assured him.

"You're my anchor, Y/N," He said and softly placed his lips against yours.

When... (Dylan O'Brien Character Imagines)Where stories live. Discover now