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There's always that one person
The one that you you get out of your mind
Or your heart
They intoxicate you
They become your poison
Even though you never chose them to be
It just happened over time
From the first time
that you met
The first time
That you heard them laugh
The first time
That you saw them actually smile
The first time
You looked into their eyes
It was the first time that you saw
The real them
The truth
And then you caught something
Something that you told yourself
Over and over and over again
That you would never catch
You caught feelings
You started to feel things
You saw who that person truly was
You saw the good
You saw the feelings
The connection
You saw what you felt
That person became your everything

You try not to get attached
Because you know
You know better than to catch any feelings
You talk to them
Everyday becomes every hour
Every hour becomes evety minute
Every minute becomes every second
Then every second becomes.... nothing
First they don't respond within an hour
Then a day
Then a week
Weeks become months
And then occasionally you talk
And then it's back to nothingness

You warned yourself
You know that this was going to happen
The thoughts of what could have been
They don't help
And now
That person is with another person
That person that was your world is now just a broken dream
Cast away with all hope on an endless sea of desolation
That person never felt the way that you did for them
You now know that they never will
Because no one chooses you
You are nobody's first choice
No one will pick you as their poison
You will not intoxicate them
Your laugh will not be music to their ears
Your smile will not remind them of early spring days
Your eyes will not be their mirror
And you will never be able to catch their feelings

Time has passed
You've learned to cope
But that person
Will always be the one you caught the feelings for
That person will always be in the darkest corner of your heart
Blocked by the words "never"
That person will always be your poison
The one you didn't pick

Nothing has changed
Nor will it ever

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