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You ask me how I'm doing
I answer and say
"I'm ok"
I will never say I'm good
You know why?
Because now
In this world
Nothing is good anymore
The things we thought we knew
The child memories
Even the innocent movies we thought were good
They were filed wish jokes that our innocence couldn't handle
The good in this world
Diminished by the selfishness we have
Crushed under the weight of self pity
Blown into the wind of depression
Everyone has a bone in their closet
Soon to be a full skeleton
Who do we trust to be good when we can't trust ourselves to even be ok
I will not say that I'm good
Because I'm not
I'm not good
But I'm ok
Day by day
I learn something new
Something dark
Something that hides the good
After a while of dark
You forget the good
It becomes a lost soul searching for a light
But hey
I guess we're all lost souls searching for a light
Whatever that may be
We lost souls are not good
But we are ok ish

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