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Chapter 2

Vanàeze (Van-ah-e-zay)

I felt as if the world was spinning around me ask I was whisked off into an unknown place. White light surrounded everywhere... As the light began to clear, I could feel solid ground underneath my feet again. I could make out Gandalf's figure standing next to me as my eyes adjusted.

I heard a voice, just ahead of me, a very wise-sounding and delicate female voice. The light began to fade.

Gandalf was to my right and standing in front of me was none other than the Lady Galadriel.

She smiled softly, everything about her presence was so dainty and graceful.

I seemed to be standing in a grassy area, plush day beds and silk blankets gently pulsed in the breeze around the hollow. I suddenly realized I was standing in what looked to be the sacred hollow of Galadriel's Mirror.

Galadriel's voice stirred me from my thoughts.

"Do you know why you are here?"
She questioned.

I shook my head, no, still not trusting my voice to stay calm.

Her eyes sparkled.

"Humans, like yourself, have taken a keen interest on writing...records of the peoples of Middle Earth for some time now. It all started with the great creation of Tolkien. Since then, many have attempted their adaptations of writing our stories. Some, we consider, talented enough to be inducted into our unique training academy."

I was shocked. They knew? They read all these fanfictions? They read my stories?

A slight blush crept onto my face.

How would you like to know that every romantic story you'd written about specific characters had been read by those characters themselves? How was that even possible? Besides the whole point of fan fiction was that it was a fantasy not a reality! Right?

Galadriel continued on,
"Middle Earth is a world far different from your own. I believe you would say it is in a different universe. Time here is different than that of yours. You may stay here for years and not a second will pass in your earth. Now, the school itself is a centre of combined cultures; not only from our world, but yours and ours together. The school's unique training ranges from so many different focuses and topics. You need not worry, your first section of training is planned out with all the courses the apprentices must take. This includes teachers, talents and the like."

She talked slowly and deeply, it was very soothing. 

She smiled, "I know this is so much information for you to obtain, however, you do have a few key decisions to make."

So it was literally me getting enrolled in a school that taught you anything and everything Lord of the Rings? This sounded amazing! Terrifying but wonderful. I looked up at Galadriel, curious to hear more.

"Yes? What do I have to decide?" I questioned.

She glanced at Gandalf, "So eager! Well, First we must find you a dorm selection, but before that...your species, dear. You must be in the correct section of the academy."

I wanted to freak out, Galadriel (the highest of all elves) just told me I can belong to any species of my choosing. I had to make sure I heard her correctly, "You mean, I choose what species I'd like to belong too?"

She nodded, "Of course my dear! Do you know what races you have to choose from?"

I nodded my head, of course I did!

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