The Office

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Chapter 13

The Office

I hurriedly picked my satchel back up and made a dash for the door and closed it behind me.
I sighed, I wasn't ever the type to talk back or be sent out the class, it was so unfair! He didn't have the right to say I was insolent for dating my teacher! It was different here in Middle Earth and that had nothing to do with my performance in his class. Besides what was his problem with me anyway? I did all my assignments, I kept Orcrist safe when he loaned it to me, I did everything right!

I fumed and paced around the hall, I didn't even notice quiet footsteps approaching me, I jumped suddenly when I felt a hand on my shoulder; it was Legolas.

He looked down at me with a concerned expression on his face.

"What is it?" He mumbled softly.

I sighed, "I'm in trouble... It's Thorin."

Legolas raised an eyebrow, I'd heard that Thorin and Legolas didn't particularly get along.

"What happened?" He asked.

I slumped my shoulders, "I was late to class- Thorin called me insolent...for being with you."
I clenched my hands and looked into Legolas's cold expression.

"He what?"

I could tell he was mad, I was about to open my mouth when Thorin's door opened, and he briskly walked over to Legolas and I.

He noticed Legolas standing next to me and sneered. "It looks as though you proved my right, elfy." He spat in my direction, obviously referencing to Legolas coming to my rescue.
"Did your prince come to save the day?" He questioned mockingly.

I HAD it with Thorin and his prejudice! He couldn't just talk to me like that! He was supposed to be professional

Legolas stepped in before I could lose my temper. "Enough."
He said calmly gazing at Thorin, "So this is about Vanaéze being late to class?"

Thorin crossed his arms. "Not only that. She disrespected me in front of my class, and to be frank her attitude has never been the best." He scowled at me.

How ironic

My attitude was bad? Yeah right. I had always been polite with Thorin, up till now.

Legolas frowned and dropped his voice to a whisper, "and what of her 'insolence', what was that?" '


I thought as I observed Legolas's intensity and Thorin's startled look. This anger was clearly more deep seated than my episode with the dwarf king.

Thorin quickly lowered his voice, I wouldn't have heard him at all if I hadn't had elven ears,
"Why don't you learn from the past and leave things be."

I pretended like I didn't hear that comment, (I obviously wasn't supposed to) although I couldn't help but frown and wonder what that meant. Legolas and Thorin started bickering, and were gradually getting louder...

If they didn't settle things soon...

"What is going on here!" Grumbled Gandalf who seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Thorin stuck his jaw out and crossed his arms, "This...Elf is trying to tell me how to discipline my student!"
Thorin spat out the word "elf" as though it were a poison, I scowled at him.

"He is unfairly accusing this student of insolence." Legolas defended, I gulped, I knew I wasn't being insolent, but I hadn't exactly been polite while exchanging words with Thorin.

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