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Chapter 8


It had been about a month since my arrival at Meta and it had honestly been a so much fun, every day brought something new. Most of the obsessive excitement had begun to settle down by now and our course load studies were in full swing. Upon awakening this particular morning, I felt that the air was cooler, so I decided to wear my long sleeved blouse, white tunic and tan leggings.

I fastened Orcist around my waist. I'd kept my word in our deal, by keeping Ocrist the sword, unharmed...much to Thorin's chagrin. He did keep his end of the bargain though, I could use the sword for my project as long as I kept it with me at all times.

Aragorn was impressed to say the least.

 I stopped by the main hall for breakfast with my roommates. picked up a sweet flat dough treat with creamy frosting and fresh raspberries garnishing the top. Thankfully we were all still getting along really well. Lótë and Kili had grown closer over the past several weeks and were almost official as far as I was concerned. I wasn't sure about Riel and Merry yet, I'd have to pester her for more details after class. The horn promptly rang and we were off. Many girls were already swarming around Legolas's desk asking him "questions" about last nights homework....but they weren't fooling anybody.

I made my way to my seat, just as Legolas began his session.

"Class! May I have your attention?" His raspy voice called out.

Silly question Leggy, every girl in this class paid way too much attention you.....

He smiled at me briefly and I was struck by the memory of as dancing....I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks. I didn't want to assume, but I had definitely been picking up on some elvish flirtations the past few weeks and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't done the same.

"Please get out your work from yesterday, I'll be going over it with you." He scanned the room, avoiding ogling gazes from his "over-enthusiastic" students. (My more polite term for the fangirls.)

Thankfully, he started at the back of the class today, so in the meantime I got out my dragon book and kept reading.

This dragon was truly amazing! Over a hundred years ago in Middle Earth this dragon was rarest of them all.

Though most dragons were cruel, this one was wise and self sacrificing.

Once, one of these purple beasts lived in Lothlorien under the care of the high elves.

I kept reading; apparently, the purple dragon of Lothlorien was the last of her kind. Agents of Sauron desperately wanted to kill the dragon and take from her the most prized treasure. Sadly, the dragon was killed around the outskirts of the elvish city in a terrifying battle. With her dying breath, the dragon uttered a prophecy before relinquishing her valuable prize to the high elf queen, Galadriel.

Suddenly the horns rang; I startled and my key to the book popped out of its place and dropped into my bag, I looked up realizing Legolas was now at my desk.

"Do you mind if I look at your work? Don't worry, I can send your next teacher a parchment explaining why you are late." He stated.

I nodded my head allowing him to look at my notes.

He frowned slightly looking at my notes and then trying to pry open the now locked book.

"What good is a book that doesn't open?" He chuckled softly.

I decided not to tell him about my rock. For some reason, I feared he might have thought I stole it. 

"I, uh I'm talking to people...about it.." I quickly stammered.

He raised an eyebrow "Interviewing?" He asked.

"Yes! Yes I'm interviewing people as my source of information." I enthusiastically jumped on the idea.

He gave me a puzzled expression, "Well, I do know that the topic you
picked is a tricky one. Of course, I know of a few other sources you can use to research this beast, if you need it, I'd be glad to help. Don't forget terms are due in two weeks."

He continued speaking as I started to pack away my things, I absentmindedly mumbled, "Oh right! Yes of course."

He smiled a toothy grin. "Alright then, before dinner we can meet at the library and do some tutoring."

I gaped at him "Wha-...Right! Right, yeah before dinner works for me."

 So what, now he was tutoring me?

Don't get me wrong, he's Legolas; what girl wouldn't want to spend extra time with him? But I wasn't even trying to catch his attention and here he was. Should I just go for it and see what happens? 

He handed me my bag off the floor,

"And your next class is....?" He grinned teasing me.

"Radagast, geography." I returned his smile.

So there we were. I had a study-date, no not date, a study-....a meeting with Legolas, and he was now walking me to class. May I just say, fangirls do NOT like it when they see you walk into a classroom late with Legolas, they do not like it at all!

The day really seemed to drag on, I was so exhausted by the time I made my way back to my room; it would be nice to clear my head and rest.....


 I had tutoring with Legolas! I almost forgot. I groaned and quickly ran a brush through my hair, checking my appearance in the mirror before running off to the library. This would be interesting...

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