The Harvest Festival

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Chapter 18

The Harvest Festival

I awoke in my dorm, bits of sunlight a dashing across my face. How in the world did I get here? I couldn't even remember arriving here last night with Legolas.

I suddenly jolted awake. Last night with Legolas! I thought back to his confession of loving me and the shock of discovering my roommate was out to force him into leaving me. I mean what was that, really? I glanced around our dorm, squinting through the dim morning light. I frowned as my glance met the sleeping face of Agarwaen.

Several weeks ago I had thought I'd figured out the ways of jealous fangirls.

Many girls didn't like me for the sole reason that Legolas and I were together. They were never subtle about how they felt either. It was petty and frustrating but I suppose I understood their mindset.

What I didn't understand was Agarwaen. Why did she feel the need to follow Legolas and I, and expect him to leave me right then and there for her? Was she really that arrogant?

I rolled over in my bed, figuring I better get ready for the festivities ahead. After all, I had a ball to attend.


It was about midday and the excitement levels of the academy had skyrocketed.

Girls everywhere were frantically buying accessories for the ball at the school market.
Some boys were still trying to find last minute dates, while the staff ran around putting up last minute decorations and monitoring the craziness.

Azelótë and I were currently eating a pumpkin stew lunch back in our room while Agarwaen and Estelriel had run off help decorate.

"Are you nervous?" Azelótë mumbled to me through her mouthful of stew.

"Unbelievably so!" I half chuckled.

"I mean...I really want to make a good first impression with Legolas's father. I don't want to come across like a silly earthling or something!" I huffed.

Azelótë raised her eyebrow at me, "A silly earthling?" She giggled at my description. "Vanà, you'll be fine, if Lord Thranduil is anything like his son, he'll love you!"

I felt a blush creep into my cheeks as I realized just how accurate Azelótë's statement was. "He does...Legolas told me last evening, that he loves me, I mean."

Azelótë's eyes widened as she giggled again. "That's wonderful! I'm so happy for you, go on, what'd he say? What did you say? Details!"

"He just kind of said it. I just couldn't really believe he said it. " I smiled replaying the scene in my head again.

I frowned remembering Agarwaen's interruption. I looked at Azelótë's pleasant face; I trusted her and we had become best friends, she deserved to know about Agarwaen.

I lowered my voice,

"Lótë, between you and me, I think Agarwaen is jealous of Legolas and I."

"Really? What happened?" Azelótë asked. I retold last night's events to her while we finished up our lunch.

"That's just unbelievable!" Azelótë muttered.

I nodded my head solemnly, "I know, but please don't say anything about it to anyone. It's nothing to worry about, honestly." 

Azelótë nodded her head and smiled, "You're right about that, and besides, we have a ball to get ready for! Nothing can ruin tonight!"


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