A Storm is Coming

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Chapter 9

A Storm is Coming

Wait. Was I really trying to impress Legolas? No. No. No, of course not. He was my teacher.

"Where are you going?" Chuckled Azelótë. I bumped into my roommates on my way down the main hall. 

"The library!" I stated somewhat defensively.

Estelriel looked me up and down, raising her eyebrow; "Right, but who with?"

I groaned "Nobody, it's just a tutoring thing....alright? And I'm going to be late if you keep pestering me!" The two just giggled at me while I rushed away to the library.

I had almost made it to the door of the Library when a crackle of thunder broke out.

Though the school was well protected from storms, it was seemingly open to sudden light changes and wind interferences (because of course, there was no electric, the school was filled with giant windows and archways to bring in natural light and fresh air.Lots of candles and torches of course.)

It wasn't hard to spot Legolas, he was wearing a loose white tunic with a casual green leather jerkin and grey pants.

"Greetings Vanáeze." He spoke softly.

"Greetings" I repeated offering him a small smile.

There were multiple students running around finishing up last minute assignments before dinner.

"Should we find a reading room?" I suggested gesturing to some hobbit girls gawking at Legolas.

He nodded, "I've just the place."

The room he took me to was outstanding. It looked like a glass and nature filled observatory intertwined with the outside forest. it was mesmerizing. The onset of thick black rain clouds gathering above our heads made the area seem even more mystical.

Legolas and I settled down into a cozy day couch like birds nestling down before the storm, and everything was still.

As I reached into my bag pulling out a note book and paper, I looked up to see Legolas's crystal blue eyes staring into mine. We sat there for a moment, just staring; I have no idea why...it just felt...nice. Lightning flashed, illuminating the room, finally breaking our connection.

I hummed to get my mind off of Legolas and onto my assignment. I began humming the tune from the first Hobbit movie; "Far over the Misty Mountains."
I startled as a hand touched my arm, it was Legolas.

"You shouldn't do that." His face twisted into a frown.

Was my humming really that bad?

He read my expression, "You're Teleri?" He questioned.

"Yes?" I answered hesitantly.

He smirked softly, "Teleri elves are known for their hypnotic singing. Your humming is lovely of course, but I don't think we'd get much done if I fell asleep on us."

My eyes widened, I was such an idiot! I giggled  "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry, I didn't mean anything by it."

Legolas joined me in laughing,"It's fine Vanaéze, I mean, it wouldn't be the first time I fell asleep up here." 

I imagined this comfortable alcove would be the perfect place for a nap. I smiled clearing my thoughts, "So about the dragon..."


My tutoring with Legolas became a regular thing. We met every day after classes. Sometimes we would talk about the assignment and sometimes we'd get distracted and talk about everything else. He was curious to learn about Earth and the concept of "fast-food." One time I tried explain technology to him and failed miserably. Legolas was surprisingly easy going once he was away from the chaos of other students and our sense of humor meshed really well together.

Currently, Legolas and I were debating different fan theories about the secret identity of Tom Bombail and even one fan theory that suggests Gollum was actually responsible for the death of Frodo's parents.

"No, way! Absolutely not." He retorted 

"Hey I'm just telling you the theory, I don't think its true." I smiled, defending myself.

"CRRRCK!" A sudden deafening boom of thunder rolled throughout the school. Lanterns flashed out from an onslaught of strong wind. Tree limbs flailed wildly outside.

I could barely make out Legolas's worried expression.

Sure enough, Gandalf's voice sounded over the thunder.

"Would all staff and students please report to the main hall? The school is currently under lock down due to safety concerns." As if on cue, another round of thunder shook the halls.

"Vana?" Legolas tried to find my hand in the dark, resting it on his forearm. I was intrigued by the tempest occurring outside this room, I loved storms and this one was unlike anything is seen before. 

"We must go, now!" Legolas uttered.

It wasn't until we had reached the main hall, and the harsh glares of my peers made me realize;

my hand had been clutching onto his arm the entire time.

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