Prophecy Fulfilled

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Chapter 26

Prophecy Fulfilled

It started out with a feeling.

That sensation was what I faintly realised to be the beating of my heart.

It pumped away as I became aware of the fact that I was in fact, alive.

Next, I felt the steady stroke of a hand across my forehead and into my hair. Back and forth, and back and forth. Lovingly, worriedly and sweetly caressing my brow.

I probably would have drifted right back to sleep if it weren't for the sounds I began to hear.

I absentmindedly recognised the mumbled and gargled tones as voices.

So, I was; alive, being cared for, hearing conversations and...aching all over.

Apparently, I was beginning to feel pain.

I wish I would have fallen back to sleep when I could, this new sensation was unbearable.

My body ached, I felt like my bones could crack at any moment...even my closed eyes were sore.

I felt my arm twitch as I attempted to painfully pry my lids open.

I was greeted by a chorus of words and new racket.

"She's waking up!"

"Is she okay?"

"Give her space."

"But, when do we tell her?"

"Shh! Quiet, all of you."

It took a few blinks for my eyes to adjust and focus before I could process what was going on.

I was in my dorm room in Greenwood Hall.

Gandalf, Galadriel, Elrond, Fili and Kili were all gathered around my bed.

I noticed Azelótë pacing in the back corner of my room. She stopped abruptly when my bloodshot eyes met hers.

"Vanàeze!" She gasped, her own eyes brimming with tears as she rushed to my side.

"I...I-'m okay." I said, meaning to be reassuring but instead sounding more questioning since my voice was strained and whispery.

"Here, have some water." Said a voice beside me. I craned my stiff neck to see Thorin moving his hand from my brow to the bedside table; reaching for a pitcher of water.

I couldn't help but feel joy knowing he had stayed right beside me.

I somewhat managed to angle neck up enough to sip on some water.

Thorin simply held the clay cup to my lips, gently tilting the refreshing water into my mouth.

He brushed a stray drop of water from my lip as he put the cup back, and returned to holding my cold hands.

"Vanàeze, I know you must be feeling pain right now, but by way of your Elven blood, and spells Gandalf can procure; the injuries you sustained will heal very quickly." Elrond declared nodding in Gandalf's direction.

Gandalf began muttering incantations, and I began to feel a slight bit better.

Assumedly, Radagast had prepared poultices arranged in bottles and dishes around me for my injuries.

Wait. Injuries.

My breath suddenly hitched in my throat as I remembered exactly what had occurred.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2019 ⏰

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