Changing Seasons

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Chapter 12

Changing Seasons

I awoke with a start. It was absolutely freezing!

I couldn't believe how the weather had changed from just a few short weeks ago, in the Glittering Caves.
I smiled thinking of the beautiful moment when Legolas kissed me. I felt more foolish than a Took as I caught myself touching my lips and grinning.

I shivered once more, with the autumn season settling in, it was bound to be colder. The forest tops would be closed in, and wood fires would start burning all winter long. We had another feast coming up, one (or more) for every season and some special Middle Earth events. I jumped out of bed and dressed for the day; being sure to wear warmer clothing!

I settled down into my seat in Lord Elrond's class. Today we were studying ancient texts from high elves and philosophers.

"If everyone will please turn to page two hundred and sixteen. Observe the text, as you will be answering questions about it for homework. Pay close attention to de-" a loud knock sounded on the door and Gandalf strode in.

"Excuse me, but I have an announcement for all the students."

Elrond gestured for him to proceed. The room suddenly grew dark as shadows grew and candles sputtered under Gandalf's bellow. "Under no circumstances should a student ever be found in the teachers lounge without permission! It is prohibited! If such events ever occur, you will be expelled from this school immediately, and all memories of it will cease to exist in your mind. Is that clear?"

Of course all the students nodded their heads. Gandalf tipped his grey hat at us politely and the atmosphere
returned to normal.
"And one more thing! I'd like you to please welcome our newest student to the academy; Miss Agarwaen. Now have a good day students!"

Just like that Gandalf turned around and left.

In his place stood a very interesting girl.
She couldn't have been any older than me and she was about my height.

The funny thing was; I couldn't figure out what race she was from!

Elrond was currently assigning her to a dorm and schedule while I evaluated her.

She was quiet and observant.
Her dark brown locks had natural flecks of mahogany red throughout, catching the light every time she turned her head. I saw no elf ears, was she a human then? The clothes were wrong if she was. She wore an ivory long sleeved peasant style top, with brown and red embroidery. However, dark brown pelts covered her midriff like a vest. Her long flowing skirt was brown.
She also wore a brown leather arm guard, usually only worn in battle. She suddenly looked up at me with her shockingly gold and hazel tinted eyes. She looked wild.

She definitely wasn't human. I was startled and confused at the same time.

Elrond instructed her to take an empty seat to my left and he continued lecturing.

There was something ominous about this girl, but I could tell there was more to her, I figured I should get to know her better, perhaps she was lonely.

Suddenly the horns rang out signaling our class change, I turned to Agarwaen. "Hello, I am Vanaéze what's your next class?"
She smiled a crooked grin with shiny sharp teeth back at me, "Nice to meet you...uhm" she glanced at her parchment schedule, "Foods and Celebrations, I believe."

"Great, we have that class together!" I smiled and we continued on our way down the bright hallway chatting about the school.

"Oi! You didn't have to throw it!" Yelled Pippin across the room to Kili. Kili chuckled mischievously holding a blackberry pie in his arms, rummaging around looking for a metal fork.

Agarwaen went to go talk to Merry and Pippin, about class activities and whatnot.
Meanwhile, Kili succeed in his quest to find a fork and had proceeded in gobbling down the majority of the pie.

Fili suddenly came rushing into the classroom, "My pie! Kili what have you done with my pie?!" The brothers continued to banter back and forth until class began.

"Alright!" Merry began, "as you've presumably noticed, seasons are changing and things are getting a bit cooler 'round here."
The hobbits a dwarves were all standing at the front of the class (that greatly resembled a shire feast hall).

Pippin cleared his throat, "An annual celebration takes place around this time every year."
Merry whacked Pippin's shoulder, "You just said that!"

"What?" Pippin replied.

"Annual means every year, you didn't have to say it twice!" Merry teased.

"I know!" said Pippin indignantly.

Agarwaen turned in her seat in front of me and whispered, "It's a wonder they get anything done in this class!" We both chuckled.

"Anyway..." mumbled Fili, who was still upset about his stolen pie. "This season is celebrated by both Hobbits, Elves, Men and Dwarves alike. No matter what we call it, it's a celebration of the harvest."

Kili finished the speech. We were all then given recipe books (based on our race.) I noticed Fili stumble over what book to give Agarwaen. "Um...would you..."

He shuffled the books. Agarwaen slightly smiled and looked up at Fili, "The elf one please."
I was puzzled, there was something odd going on here...besides the fact that Fili was totally blushing and obviously interested in Agarwaen. Goodness was everything pairing up this time of year or what?

We found out that our 'annual-yearly' feast would take place Halimath, 20th Highday, the equivalent of our September 20, a Friday....which also happened to be the weekend of Frodo and Bilbo's birthday!

{Seriously, Some trivia for you, Frodo and Bilbo were both born on September 22nd, aka official Hobbit Day!}

All the students had a lot of party planning to help with and dorms were assigned to certain jobs before the end of the class.

We found out that Agarwaen would be staying in our dorm, as Estelriel, Agarwaen, Azelotë and I were all assigned to Pastry decorating.

I'm glad we all got along, most other roommates spent most of their time arguing over which Tolkien couple was the best and to be quite honest with you, I'd heard that debate so many times it gave me head aches!
Speaking of which, Azelotë and Kili are officially together and I'm pretty sure Merry and Estelriel won't be too far behind.

The rest of day went by fairly quickly, minus Thorin's class. I swear he was out to get me or something! I had walked into class just as the horns rang, and went to take my seat.

"You're late!" Thorin grumbled at me.

I couldn't believe it! No one else was even sitting down yet, class hadn't even started! I couldn't help but be angry.

"Pardon?" I asked.

"Elfy, you may think you're special because of your friends in 'High Places', but I'm here to tell you I will not tolerate your insolence like your other teachers, you're late." Thorin retorted.

Thorin seemed to be sneering at me. I was beyond mad now. He had just made a direct jab at my relationship with Legolas.

Hah! 'friends in high places, indeed!'

"Pardon me, I wasn't aware my friends being in 'high places' had anything to do with me being late. I arrived precisely when I meant too. Now if you excuse me, I have some work to do." I replied angrily.

My reply thankfully went over most of my peers head's but Thorin was obviously taller then I had presumed. 

I watched as his face turned red with anger. "Elf! Hallway, now!"

Okay... So maybe I had overdone it.


Sorry for the short chapter! Does anyone read these author's notes? Haha well I hope you're enjoying this story, I'm so excited for the new Hobbit movie coming out tonight! I'll try to update soon, thanks for reading!

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