Class Schedule

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Chapter 3

Class Schedule

I awoke to find golden light flooding into my room dashing across my face.

Wait, dashing? As in speckled light? I didn't have anything like that in my room at home !

I yawned, breathing in the scent of a deep earthy-oak smell, intermingled with wild blackberries and the sweet melancholy of roses.

I opened my eyes. Great amber tree trunks and emerald green leaves greeted me. I didn't know where the scent of roses or blackberries was coming from, since there weren't any in our room, but I decided I'd have to investigate later. After a few moments of waking up, a morning horn sounded, calling out to awaken everyone. I was still here! In Middle Earth, maybe this dream wasn't a dream after all!

I sprung out of bed and left to wash and prepare for the day. Perhaps I'd snag a bite of Lembas bread along the way. After getting ready I rushed into the room to get dressed. Azelótë and Estelriel were doing the same.

We all had our formal class attire on, eager to impress.

I loved how the material of my dress was so silky soft and light, I had always liked wearing dresses. Dresses had a way of making me feel elegant. I stepped over to a mirror for the first time since being in Middle Earth. I was shocked. It hadn't occurred to me that my appearance would look so different.

My face was somehow more angular, cheekbones more defined. My eyes sparkled with a sea green color. My hair was golden blonde like normal, it just looked so elvish , and went evenly with my honey colored skin.

I could get used to this new look. Not to mention; my elf ears. I giggled touching the tips of my ears, then a voice called through the school.

"Would all students please report to the main entry hall at this time for orientation? Again all students to the main entry hall, thank you."

It was Gandalf's voice, echoing through our the academy.

Azelótë, Estelriel and I pushed back our white flower curtain door.

"Here we go!" Estelriel murmured excitedly.

We all exchanged glances and followed the crowd to the main hall. Excitement surged through us and we somehow managed to make to the front of the hall where Gandalf, Galadriel and Lord Elrond were standing on a wide platform. Older students sat near the back, this was clearly a formality for them, while all the new students surged excitedly to the front. 

This hall looked very similar to the room in which the Council of Elrond took place. It was fitting. Elves, Men, Hobbits and Dwarves gathered in the hall. Some of the female students were already obsessing over Elrond, trying to get his attention. I rolled my eyes.

"Attention! May I have your attention! Please take your seats!" Gandalf ordered while Galadriel stepped ever-so-elegantly forward.

"Greetings!" Galadriel called out. A few boys in the crowd swooned.

"Welcome, students of META, the Middle Earth Training Academy. You know why you are here, now we will explain further what our staff does and how we expect you to behave."

She widened her eyes and lowered her voice with her last statement, glancing at some giddy hobbit girls that wouldn't stop ogling. I totally expected her to go all "dark queen mode" on us if the new students didn't settle down.

"At this academy, professionalism is key to ours and your success. I'd like to introduce myself, Gandalf and Lord Elrond as your head masters.
  I am in charge of all administration, your records your grades, your teachers and much more.
  Gandalf is your counselor, go to him for scheduling assistance, he also recruits and places students.
  Lord Elrond is in charge of discipline; if any of you decide to act out of conduct, he will handle such actions swiftly and report it to me, if you have any concerns with the conduct go to him."
She finished the introductions; it did seem quite fitting for each character to have the role they did.

She cleared her throat and continued on, "Each student will receive their handbook in their first class and is expected to read it and abide by it. You will NOT pester the staff, you will NOT skip classes, you will NOT disregarded our rules, now, do you understand?"

It was more of a command not a question, but a few replied with a 'yes ma'am', bobbing their heads in unison.

"Now, first year students, you have the most learning to do, but I have confidence in every one of you. You students will start on The Hobbit learning track. If you pass all your first semester classes you will journey through The Hobbit legend."

I was confused, what did she mean journey through?

"Trust me students, you will want to pass first semester. The rest of you! You have no excuse, second years, if you pass, you go through the Fellowship journey, third years; the Two Tower journey and finally fourth years, the Return of the King journey. Stay focused: and you can make it far."
She finished her speech and I was feeling a bit confused.

Looking around, I saw the same expression on many first year students faces.

Gandalf stood up "Please remain seated until you are dismissed!" He snapped his fingers and suddenly; parchment schedules appeared on each students lap. My envelope read "Vanáeze" in elvish script. I tore it open my scheldules read;

1 Creatures of ME- Legolas

2 Geography- Radagast

3 Historical Perspectives- Elrond

4 Foods & Celebrations-
Merry/Pippin, Fili/Kili

5 Break

6 Weaponry- Aragorn

7 Ancient Reads- Thorin

8 Equine Studies- Eowyn

Each class was around 50 minutes in length.


I do not own, nor claim to own any of Tolkien's characters or plot lines. I do own META and my own characters.

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