Chapter 00: The Start

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Chapter 00: The Start

They call me Subject 16.5. My real name is Vega Zane. I come from California and now, I'm here with a group of Assassin's. I didn't even know what Assassin's where until they told me. I didn't believe them at first but now I do. They have shown me the ways of the Creed. How we live and how we stop this group of people called The Templars. I'm still trying to get use to this myself as they have taken me away just a few days ago. They said keeping a journal would help me get out my thoughts. What a bunch of bullshit.

Yet, I am writing in this stupid journal they gave me. They want me to write what I feel, what I see, what I hear and other things. There is only the four of us for now. Lucy, Shaun, Rebecca and I. There are more of us all over the world. We are everywhere. You never know if we are in crowds, on benches or even right beside you. We could be anywhere, but you would never know. We could be a friend, family member or even your neighbour. You will never know and we won't ever tell.

I'm here today because they found me and took me away. We got on an airplane and left. I don't know where and I don't know how they did it, but they did. I'm here now and writing in this stupid journal. It makes no sense what they are telling me! I didn't know I was an Assassin until yesterday! I had no clue The Templar exist until yesterday! Apparently, I have something that The Templar -or I should say Abstrgo- want. They want the Apple, or that's what they are telling me anyways. I'm not so sure about this. The thing is, I want answers but no one will give them to me.

I guess I will have to find them on my own. I guess my journey has just begun.

I closed the journal and set it down on the table that's in front of me. I set the pen right beside the journal and then look up. Rebecca in one corner of the room with a machine that looks as if it is for laying down. It's orange but has glowing white lines all over it going in different directions. I turn my head to look over to Shaun, he has pictures of famous places and a computer in front of him. I notice there is a cable hooked up to both Rebecca's and Shaun's computer. They must share something or that cable is for power. I get up from my make shift bed, it's a comforter with a few blankets and two pillows. At least I know that they are big spenders!

I walk over to Rebecca. I already hate Shaun, he has a bad attitude and not my type of person. He snapped at me within the first hour of meeting. After that, I hadn't liked him so much. I look over to Shaun for a brief second as I walk up to Rebecca. I tap her on the shoulder and she turns in her chair, looks up to me with a smile on her face. Now, she's my type fo person.

"What can I help you with?"

"Why am I here?" I blurt out

I look down to my feet. I'm only a girl who lived in California to get away from my parents. They pushed me too hard and I couldn't take it. I would train all day and all night. Never getting a break and never stopping. I put my hand to my neck and start rubbing my neck.Rebecca looks at me with concern. I look back to her and expect an answer.

"Long story short, you're an Assassin."

"Yes, but what does that mean? I know you went through everything with me but I still don't get it."

I could hear Shaun's chair squeak a bit as he turned in his chair to face us. I look over and cross my arms. How did I go from being lost to being angry in a matter of a second?

"What that means is, you're an Assassin. You fight Templars and kill them. I guess you could say that us Assassin's are the line between good and bad. We are the middle. We are that line that separates good from the bad. Does that make any sense to you?"

I uncrossed my arms. Even if he was a pain in the ass, he is still very smart and could probably answer any questions I have. I nodded my head and then repeated what I just heard.

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