Chapter 25: Requiescat In Pace

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Chapter 25: Requiescat In Pace

Year: 1228


  The past two years have been hell for both Malik and I. They treated us poorly here. Some days, we would not eat. Other days, we had to spare our food so we could have some when they did not give us any. They only gave us bread and every once in a while, some vegetable and fruit. Malik and I were in the worst condition ever. We were brittle and broken. They had tortured Malik a few times but they mostly just wanted me. Altaïr still had not gotten my secret message. I had sent him the same message every time in different ways. Eventually my writing started to get worse and worse because my hands shook. I had to stop sending letters. The last time I heard from my father was about a year ago.

  Since Malik was older, the new life style started to get to him. I could not do anything to help. Some days, I would give him my food. He would not take it. I was at his side the entire time. My wounds had healed slowly. I now have the scares to prove I have been beaten and wrecked at their hands. We were both sore from laying down on the flat concrete floor and the torture they gave us. We could not do anything in our position and just hope that Altaïr got the message I had sent him so many times. I was pacing back and forth because there had been rumors that Altaïr was coming to Masyaf because Darim and Qulan had Assassinated Genghis Khan.

  I was happy they did so, but I was worried. I had also heard that Rauf was killed by Swami just like Sef. Rauf was one of fathers friends and another one of his right-hand men. I had met Rauf on a few occasions but I never knew him personally. Father was losing everything he had because of Abbas. It was not right. Even though Abbas was a high-ranking Assassin, he could never be as good of an Assassin as my father. I had also heard that Abbas had formed a council and of course, he was the head. Did not really surprise me when I found out.

  I looked over to Malik. He was just bone and skin now. I was close to that. I still had some muscle on my bones but not much. I am just glad I could still walk. Malik's hair had grown so much and so had mine. We gave ourselves haircuts every once in a while but eventually, we just gave up. We let our hair grow out. Malik's beard was as long as his hair. I cut my hair every once in a while now. I had just cut it a week ago, so I was not as bad as Malik's. Malik was in the corner of the cell just lying down. It seemed that was the only thing we could both do now. We were so weak we could barely move to the cell door to get our food.

  I looked out the cell door and saw that the guard was sleeping. Abbas sure can pick the best! I shook my head and walked over to where we hid the knife. I pulled it out from our small pile of clothes that got torn or ripped. I grabbed the knife with shaking hands. I was starting to lose it in here. Every part of my body ached and was sore, in pain. I grabbed the knife with both hands and walked over to the cell door. It was more of a shuffle. I got to the cell door and stuck my arm out with the knife in hand. I stuck the knife in the lock and tried to unlock the cell. No use. Even thought, I tired so many times, you can never give up. I think I finally found my defeat.

  It was only a matter of time before both Malik and I were just bone in robes or clothes. I never got any new clothes and neither did Malik. We both smelled bad from not showering or cleaning up. The best we had was the water we got to drink. The only time we sacrificed water was when one of us was wounded. Now seemed stupid because if one of us was wounded now, it would be our last wound because we would probably die because of our state. I turned around and went to set the knife back down.

  Once the knife was away, I sat down. I had now accepted my defeat. It was hopeless. Nobody was coming to save us. Malik never gave up hope. Somehow he knew that my father was going to come and get us both. I had now, lost all hope of that happening. I rested my head on the wall and swallowed hard. I did not care if today was my last day or tomorrow was. I knew my death was coming soon. I could not help but think that and I knew I could not stop it from happening. It was going to happen and I could feel it happen soon. I just did not know when. I laid down and rested my head on my hands.

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