Chapter 6: Scouting Around And Finding Out Secrets

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Chapter 6: Scouting Around And Finding Out Secrets

Year: 1222

Mongolia, just outside Xing-ging in Xu province

  It is very welcoming when you walk into a city and there is a big ass camp you have to get by. It makes you think again about making your decision to take a trip or even move out here. We were in the Xu province a while back.

"Bring your horse over here."

  I jump off my horse and grabbed the reins and pulled my horse towards the stable right outside the camp. We hooked our horses in the stable and then started running into the crowd of people to hide. We looked at the front of the entrance. There was ways in but none that we could get to without a guard catching us. There were guards all over the place. There were archers on the roofs around the camp and on the camp walls. We started walking with the crowds. There was no way we were going to get in the front way.

  There was a bench nearby, we walked over and sat down. I looked up at the archers and noticed they only covered half of the wall. They only patrolled half of the wall on the front. There was one in every corner but none in the center of the wall. I nudged Darim and pointed to the wall.

"They do not cover the wall all the way, just the corners and anything in sight. If there was a way we could climb up to the top, we could kill the guards and find an entrance."

"Yeah, I see where you are getting at but first, let us check out the rest of the camp. That is one possibility but let us scout out the rest of the camp."

  We got up and started to walk with the crowd, we walked around to the right side of the camp. The crowd was starting to die down by the time we made it to the right side to see if there was a way in. The guards were not as strongly protected over on the right side but it would defiantly be a challenge to get in without being detected. The walls had a perfect path to get up to the top but the guards would detect us climbing or would see us get up on the wall. No luck there.

"I cannot see anything."

"Neither can I."

  We started to head around back where there was only a few people walking by and there were hardly any guards. Just the ones on the wall and there was a pretty big gap between them. They were only covering about half of the wall like they were out in the front. The camp was not as secure as I thought it would be. I looked around for a way to climb up.

"We can climb up from here if we wanted to. It will not be easy, but we might be able to do it."

"You are right. Let us see."

  We looked around for any guards that might notice us. We did not see any so we started to climb the wall. I noticed I was a bit faster than Darim and got to the top first. I peaked my head over the edge to see if the guards could see me. They did not raise any alarm so I pushed myself up over the edge so that I was standing; I noticed a tent I could go in. I rolled myself to the tent and went inside. None of the guards noticed me. That was a good thing, which means this could be one way in. I looked around the tent and saw plans written out on maps. I even saw a map of the camp.

  I looked at it a bit harder trying to remember where every guard is stationed. One of the flaps to the tent opened up and I jumped extending my hidden blade so I could defend myself if it was an attacker. It was only Darim, so I put my hidden blade back. He looked around when he found a chest; he opened it up and found a circle that was glowing gold. He picked it up and then set it back down. I heard the footsteps too. We quickly made our way out of the tent and over the edge again. None of the guards found us or saw us.

  We got down and then just stood there. I looked back up to the wall and then over to Darim.

"We could not get down the same way as fast, but it might do. We still have one more side to look at."

  I nodded and we headed towards the left side of the camp. There was not much to it. There was the same amount of guards as there was on the right and no way to get in without being detected. We made our way back to the front of the camp. We moved with the crowd and walked to the bench and sat down. I looked back at the entrance. There were only two guards there now. What happened to the other ones? Half the archers disappeared as well.

"Where did half of their men go?"

  Darim looked around and saw that half the guards were missing. Then I remembered the map I saw in the tent. About half of what we saw around on our first time was on the map. I was guessing that the extra guards where just there because Genghis was going into the camp probably. Now, they were only half of what he had before and that would make a great plan.

"I think I know why there are only about half the men out here."

"Laih [why] is that?"

"Because I saw a map of the camp and it showed where there should be guards tout la jour. [all day] The reason pourquoi [why] there were so many guards is probably because Genghis was coming into the camp. He wanted extra protection."

  Darim just smiled at me. He looked back at the camp and was looking for a second. I looked in the same direction. I did not see anything but there was something to Darim that was important. He got up and started walking away from me. I called out his name and he just turned around and replied with;

"RejiЗ. [I will be right back]"

  He ran off before I could say anything else. I turned around and headed towards the bench and kept my head down low. I was there for a few minutes before I saw Darim on a roof top. It was far away that the guards could not detect him but it was close enough he had a view of the camp. I looked at him and smiled. I think we were thinking the same thing because he got down the same way he went up and walked over to me.

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" he said

  He sat down beside me and got out the map. He pointed to the roof top he was just on.

"I have the perfect view of the other roofs around me, the walls and the entrance. I could protect you guys going in. I could stop anybody going into the camp and I can eliminate the archers on the roofs around me."

"Put the map away, guards." I said in a whisper

  He quickly put the map away as the guards pasted us. Once they past us we got up and started to follow the crowd. He nudged me and then pointed to the archer on the roof. I knew what he meant. I kept looking up to count how many guards; we walked around the camp. I had counted ten in total all around the camp alone. I closed my eyes for a second to see the map back in tent in my mind and it had ten red dots on it.

  Once we made our way all around the camp, I looked at him and nodded. We started headed back to the stable to get out horses. We paid the man and unhooked our horses and we were on our way. Once we got to the road to head down to the house, we slowed our horses down to a walk. When we pulled our horses to a stop, Mentor was on his way out of the house and heading our way. I jumped off my horse and headed towards the stable.

"How was it?" Mentor asked

  Darim smiled at his father and then walked his horse to the stable. We both hooked our horses and then headed towards the table.

"Go get Qulan. We have some important information that will help us."

  Mentor smiled and walked away back to the house. A few minutes later, they both were out of the house and on their way over to the stables. As soon as they walked in, Qulan closed the doors to the stable and walked towards us. Darim set the map on the table.

"Harees, tell them what you know."

  I smiled at Darim and then spoke up.

"So, because of the walls and how tall they are, it was hard to make a path or even find a path for us to go up." I pointed to the back of the camp where they were doing work, "But, because they are working here, it was a bit easier to get to the top of the wall."

  Darim handed me a feather and a tiny pot full of ink. I dipped the feather in ink and marked that as a way up. Then I started marking where the roof guards were according to us walking around and the map I saw.

"Darim and I had made it up the wall and gotten into the main tent. I saw a map in there of the stationed guards. They are on every other roof but there is none in the back. That makes our job twice as easy."

  I pointed in the corners of the wall and then marked the guards there.

"They have guards in every corner of the camp walls but because the camp is so big, the guards can only protect half of the wall. That is how we got up the wall and into the tent without being detected."

  I looked up from the map and saw that Mentor is impressed with me. Qulan was taking in all the information that was coming out of my mouth like they were my last words. I looked over at Darim and he was also taking in the information I was giving them. Even though he was there and saw everything I saw, he was still listening attentively.

"So, how many guards are there in total?" Qulan asked

"Two at the entrance, four on the walls and about ten around the camp on the roofs. Inside; I have no clue. Darim knows."

  I looked over at Darim and set the feather in the ink pot. He took the feather from the ink pot and brushed off some of the ink and then put a few circles inside the camp. Then he put some triangles and put in a few more circles. He then moved the inked feather towards the roof where he was standing on.

"I was able to find a roof where the guards would not be able to detect me. I had a pretty good view of the whole camp. The triangles are the tents and the circles are the group of guards. It is more of a rest place for guards but there are some citizens that are imprisoned over here."

  He moved the inked feather towards the right wall. He then looked at all three of us and then continued.

"I assume they are just there waiting to be taken away but I mean, you never know with the waa faqri [damn] Templars."

  Mentor looked at us impressed. Like we just killed the king without getting caught. Even though we would probably never do that, but anyways. Darim set the feather down in the ink showing that he was done drawing on the map.

"On the roof that I found, I can see anyone that goes in and out of the camp and because I am a bowmen, I could easily kill anybody that tries to get in and out of the camp. I could even kill the archers on the roofs. It would not be too hard."

  Mentor smiled at both of us. He then looked over at Qulan whom was still trying to go over the information we had just given them. He looked at the map a few seconds before he looked up at us. He had a smile on his face and then put a hand on both our shoulders.

"Braavo 3aleik. [good job] Both of you."

  He took his hands off our shoulders and then we both looked at Mentor. He smiled for another second before his face went back to its straight face. He looked at Darim.

"Did you see if he has-"

"He has it father."

"Jai'yed, Ibn. [good, son]"

  He looked over at me and then back to Darim.

"Now, I need to get back to work. You two can train if you would like."

  Mentor walked out of the stable and Qulan followed behind him. I looked over at Darim and he was looking at me. I looked back to the map that was still on the table. Darim went over and picked it. He put it under his arm rolled up.

"I'll take this to my ab. [father] Did you want to do some training today?"

"Non. I need to fix up my armor and things. How about tomorrow?"

"Sounds good."

  We both walked out of the stable and went inside the house. I headed up the stairs to my room and got off all my armor. I was only in my Assassin robes now. I headed down stairs to the kitchen table. Maria was there sitting down sowing. I sat down beside her and took down my hood. I let my hair out of the ribbon that was holding it back. I looked over at Maria and then asked;

"Do you have an extra needle I could use?"

"Mais oui!"

  She walked away from the kitchen and walked to a closet. She got out a box with some sowing stuff in it and walked over to the kitchen table. She opened the box and sat back down.

"Use whatever you need."

  I smiled and then replied, "Merci."

  I walked up stairs and brought down my boots and a knife. Maria saw me with the knife and my boots. She looked at me confused as I sat down. I looked at her and then smiled.

"I hide a knife in a pouch on the side of my boots. I do it myself because I know what I need it for and I need to be able to get to it easily for an emergency."

  She just smiled at me as I picked out a pretty big needle. I got up to go get some material I was going to need when Maria got up and shook her head at me. I sat back down as she walked back to the closet. She stood there for a minute before she found what she was looking for. She brought over a giant strip of light brown leather. The same color as my boots. She set it in front of me.

"I have to fix their boots every once in a while so I have a bunch of the material in the closet."

  I took the strip of leather and set it over my boot. I set my knife on my boots and then laid the leather on top. I took the needle and made an imprint of the knife. I then cut around the imprint for me to sow on to my boot. Once I had the pouch on the boot, I made a strap to close the pouch so the knife would not fall out. Once I finished, I put on my boot, making sure I did everything right and make sure it was hidden pretty well. The material blended in well with my boot and it just looked like I had my boot repaired. It did not look like I had a knife hidden in my boot.

"Très bien! [good job] You are a lot like your father."

  I stopped looking at my boot and then looked back at Maria. I sat back down in my chair and just stared at her. She knew my father? How? So many questions went through my head at that moment, so many questions. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. After a minute in silence, I finally spoke up.

"You knew ma père?"

  My voice broke at the end. I thought I had nothing on my parents but now, I have a lead. I might be able to know a bit more about my parents. Perhaps there were not as far away as I thought they were. Perhaps they are still in Masyaf, waiting for me to return to them.

"Oui chéri. Very well."

"What is he like?"

  Maria put down her things and reached over and grabbed my hand. She had sincerity in her eyes and gave me a half-smile.

"Tu vais savoir assez tôt mon enfant. [you will know soon enough my child]"

  I felt a tear leave my eye. I could not look at Maria, but she came over towards me and wiped away the tear with her hand. She looked at me and gave me a knowing smile. She held my hand for a while longer and then let go. She got up and went towards the kitchen. She got out a pot and started to steam water.

"How about some tea?"

  I looked over at her and smiled. I nodded my head and just sat there.

  What did she mean, 'I will know soon enough'? Does that mean that Mentor will soon give me a name? Does that mean that I will be able to go see them soon?

  I need answers soon or I am going to go and find them myself.


I think she is going to take matters into her own hands. That's what I think the story is heading towards.

Anyways, vote and leave some feedback!!! 


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