Chapter 7: The Truth Comes Out At Last

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Chapter 7: The Truth Comes Out At Last

Year: 1223


  Eight months had pasted and I was still in Mongolia with Mentor and his family. They have been kind to me and treat me like part of the family. I had gotten to know every one of them a bit more every single day. Every day I was here, I started to look at myself in the mirror and I started to see Maria in the mirror and not me. I did not see me anymore, I saw Maria. I thought that it was because I saw her everyday so of course I would see myself as Maria. Then, I started to forget to see myself and I just saw a young Maria in the mirror. I tried to shake past that I was not seeing me, but Maria, but it did not really work.

  I got on my Assassin robes and headed down stairs. All I have done is working on my sword skills and doing small missions here and there. It was just getting information. We were trying to figure out a time to get into the camp and do our attack. We had to go back when we heard that they changed a few things around or they were adding on. We always found a way to get over the wall.

  I saw Maria and Mentor in the kitchen. Darim was nowhere to be seen. I thought perhaps he went to do a shopping run to get more food, but he did one yesterday. Where was he? I smiled at both of them and sat down at the table where a plate of food set out and a cup of tea was on the table as well. Normally, I was the last one ready because everybody else was up before me. I picked up my fork and noticed that both Maria and Mentor were staring at me.

"What? Did I do something?"

"No, no, nothing like that." Maria spoke up

"Then why are you both staring at me?"

"We watched you grow even stronger in such a short time, we are just . . ."

  Mentors voice trailed off as Maria said the words he was looking for;

"Proud and happy."

  She said smiling. I smiled back her and then at Mentor. I took my fork and started to eat the eggs and bacon in front of me. I took the piece of naan bread in front of me and ate it. Mentor had left to go into his study. Maria was in the kitchen cleaning up plates. I finished eating in a few minutes and brought my plate over to Maria to clean. She looked at me and smiled. I smiled back.

"Do you know where Darim is?"

"Sorry, chéri, I do not know where he went. He left early this morning to go someplace. I think he will be back in a couple of minutes."

"Thank you, Maria."

  Her shoulders tensed up as I said her name. I wanted to put a hand on her shoulder and see what was wrong but something told me not to and just walk away. I left through the back door and went to the stable. I noticed that Darim had just got in from his trip. The snow was up to my knees and I was not in my winter robes. I started to walk through the snow towards the stable. Once I got in Darim, was there feeding his horse.

  I walked in and closed the door behind me. As soon as Darim saw me he smiled at me and went back to feeding his horse. I walked over to my horse and started brushing it and refilled its food container. I looked over at Darim and he seemed out of it. I looked back at my horse and then towards Darim.

"How is the camp?" I asked

  He shook his head and then looked to me.

"In this weather, I am surprised they are still standing."

  He smiled at me and then went back to his horse. I checked the reins on my horse and then walked over to Darim.

"What are you thinking about?"

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