Chapter 26 (part one): Observations

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Chapter 26 (part one): Observations

Year: 1228


  I looked around the house and found no one around. They must have left a bit ago if Swami came in here with ease. I walked to the bathroom and saw I was still just skin and bones mostly. I still had some muscles but not much. Maria had cut my hair and cleaned me up. How long have I been asleep? I looked around again. I do not know why. I was familiar with this place. This was my home away from home. I could come here and hang with Sef or I could get words of advice from Mentor. I walked out of the bathroom and walked to the kitchen. I patted myself down. I had all my weaponry on. Sword, dagger, knives and hidden blade. I looked down again and saw I had on two. I looked over my right hand. My ring finger was not missing. Father must have found a way to make a new hidden blade without sacrificing the finger.

  I walked over to the fruit basket and grabbed an apple. I had a feeling I was not going to be able to eat the apple, but I needed something in my system. I walked out the door and looked around. Where did they go? I started walking towards the road leading up Masyaf and leading to the Assassin building. I looked around some more. I started to walk up the hill when I noticed people were staring at me. I kind of forgot I was supposed to be in prison. I quickly ran off and started to take to the roofs. It was probably easier this way anyways. I looked around once I got to the top of the hill and saw Maria walking. I started to follow her.

  She walked up the hill and started to head towards the entrance to the Assassins building. I looked forwards to see if I could figure out where she was going. I saw Altaïr on a bench just up ahead with his head down and his hands in front of him. His hands were folded in front of him. I looked over to Maria. She was getting closer. If I wanted to hear in on their conversation, I would have to step on the ground and go from there. I climbed down the latter and finished my apple. I set the apple in one of the haystacks nearby. I ran across to the other side and pressed my back against the rock. They were just around the corner. I could hear Maria slowly walk towards Altaïr.

  Once she was right in front of Altaïr she stopped herself and let her husband start the conversation. Altaïr straightened up. I looked around the corner and saw them there. There was only a few seconds of silence before Altaïr spoke up of Abbas.

“The Templars have retaken archive on Cyprus. Abbas sent no reinforcements. It was a massacre.”

  I shudder at his name. I still was not used to the fact of what they did to me and Malik. What Swami had just done. I rested my head back on the rock wall I was hiding behind. I let out a breath before turning my head over to hear the rest of their conversation.

“Oh my God . . .”

  Maria said as she bent down to Altaïr's level. Altaïr looked away and then looked back to her.

“Maria, when we left Masyaf ten years ago, this order was strong. But all our progress has been undone.”

  Maria shook her head, “Abbas must answer for this.”

“Answer to whom? The Assassins obey his command now.” Altaïr said as he stood up and started to walk towards the entrance of the building

“Resist your desire for revenge, Altaïr. Speak truth and they will see their errors.” Maria said as she got up and followed her husband

  Altaïr stopped for one second before he turned around to his wife. I took my head away from the corner and just stood there to listen now. I could not risk getting caught. Not now.

“He executed our youngest son, Maria! He deserves to die!” Altaïr said with anger

  Maria gestured her hands to say calm down. His shoulders that where just tensed, relaxed. Maria started to walk closer to her husband as she said, “Perhaps. But if you cannot win back the Order by honorable means, its foundation will crumble.”

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