Chapter 29: A Letter Came For You

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Chapter 29: A Letter Came For You

Year: 1247

Paris, France

I was looking over contracts to give to the new recruits when I heard a knock on the door. The door opened as I lifted my head to see who it was at the door. It was an Assassin. Once Darim and I had left from Alamut to France, we realized that we were losing support here and they needed a strong leader. I stayed. It made sense; I knew French and could communicate with them better than one who did not speak French. The Assassin started walking towards me with a letter in hand.

"This came for you Mentor."


I looked at the envelope. Sealed tight and probably been between so many delivers over the past week or weeks. I looked down to the letter and set it beside the other papers I had on the table. I looked up to the Assassin and smiled. I nodded my head and went back to work. Most of the time the Assassins would leave by now, but this one did not. I looked up to the Assassin.

"What it is?"

"Is it true?"

"It what true?"

He sighed and then looked around the room. Had word gotten out already? It could not have. No, not this fast.

"Speak Assassin." I practically demanded

"Altaïr. Is he your father? We all heard rumors."

I let out a breath of relief and then answered his question. "Oui, he is. I am kind of shocked you did not know. It is nothing I hide either. I am proud of that fact."

The Assassin only nodded his head and then turned around. Once he was at the door I stopped him. "Attendre, [wait] I need to ask you something."

"What it is?"

"How did you get this letter? I know who it is from. Is this why you asked about Altaïr?"

The Assassin looked down. At least they did not know about my news.

"It was one of my missions to kill a delivery man because we suspected that he was working for the Templar. I looked in his bag for anything connecting him to the Templars when I saw the letter. It was for you and because of the rumors . . ."

I put my hand up to tell the Assassin the stop talking. I knew the rest from there. The Assassin closed his mouth and looked to the floor. I did not want to know anymore. I did not have to. I motioned for the Assassin to leave and he did. I looked down to the contracts that lay in front of me. I sighed and looked over to the letter. I moved my hand towards it slowly wondering if I want to even read the letter. Right when I was about to pick up the letter the door open. I jumped back a bit and looked towards the door. I sighed and put my two fingers on the bridge of my nose.

"Do not scare me like that!"

"Je suis désolé. [I am sorry]"

I gave him a small grin as he walked closer to the desk that was in front of me. Once he was a few feet in front of the desk, I motioned to the chair that was over to the side for him to side down. We both sat down.

"What is on your mind darling. You seem a bit out of it today."

I sighed, I could never hide my feelings from him. He always knew how I felt, "I got a letter."

"What is wrong with getting a letter every once in a while?"

"The fact that it is from Israel."

I looked down to my lap. He grabbed my hand and set it in his two. I looked up to him and he gave me a small smile.

"It is nothing to be worried about. I am sure everything is fine."

I sighed. It had been almost ten years since I heard anything from Israel or Alamut. I know father never forgot about me or Darim but it is just, he was always so busy with the Apple. He had almost forgotten about us. I have never spoken to any family in years. It has been too long. I look over to the desk to get the letter in my view. I turned my head back to him.

"You know I have not talked to any family in almost ten years, right?"

"Oui, I know. It cannot be as bad as you think it is."

I sighed, "You are right. I can be thinking so negatively about these things."

I got up and let go of his hands. I walked over to the desk and got the letter and walked back to the chair I was just sitting in. I looked at the letter and observed the hand writing on the front that spelled out my name. I traced my fingers along the edge of the envelope. I flipped it over looking at the other side and started to slowly peel back the flap that was sealing away the letter. Once I opened it I pulled out the letter very slowly. Once it was out, I only looked at, trying to see through the paper for any words that might indicate something bad. Nothing.

I opened up the flapped of the paper and started to read the letter.


I am sorry I have not written to you in years. Sometimes time catches up with us. Darim told me where you are and how you are taking charge of the Assassins in France. I am proud of you.

By the time you get this letter, I will be on my way back to Masyaf. If you can, meet me there. I want you there with me and I want to tell you all the things the Apple has shown me.

I hope you are happy out in France and I hope everything is well. Tifl, I miss you dearly and I hope you can meet me in Masyaf.

I have learned lots from the Apple. Some things even I do not understand. Maybe you will. You always were like your mother.

I have stopped my morning Tifl. You would be proud. I know I was a mess when you left and I probably still am but I am starting to recover. I know I cannot go back in the past and make everything better. I know that now.

I want you to join me in Masyaf. I want you by my side when I walk through those doors once more. You and I have similar experiences and we both saw what happened to Maria. We can get through this together Tifl. I know we can.


Once I finished reading the letter, a tear rolled down my face. I do not know if it was because of what father had said or the fact I was finally hearing from him after almost ten years of lost communication. I felt a warm hand touch my knee and turned to face him again. I set the letter down and looked straight ahead looking at the wall. I looked down to my lap and then over to him again. I set my head on his shoulder and he held me there. I knew what I needed to do and so did he.

"I need to go to Masyaf." I whispered

"Je sait. [I know] Go, be with your Father. We will shortly be behind you."

I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. I leaned in and kissed him. I let go and I got up walking over to the desk and trying to organize the papers so that whoever I put in charge will know what is going on. I start fumbling with the papers. He got up from his chair and walked over to me and wrapped his hands around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Go I said. I can take care of it from here. I know what to do."

I turned around and smiled at him. He pulled me closer to him and we hugged. We let go after a few minutes.

"I will go home and pack some things. I will make sure that the children are safe and then head out."

He nodded his head, "J'taime Harees. [I love you]"

"J'taime Sage. [I love you]"

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