Chapter 2: No-One Deserves Me . . . Not Even Me

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Chapter 2: No-One Deserves Me . . . Not Even Me

Year: 1222

Heading out of Israel

We were on our horses and heading out of Acre to go to Mongolia. It was about a whole days journey without stopping. We have been on these horses for almost two hours now. We saw a village close by. We slowed down our horses and started to head into the village. I have no clue where we were but Mentor knew. I guess he must have stopped here when he came down the first time. We walked around a bit before we found a Bazaar. There were a few people selling fresh fruit and vegetables. We walked over to one and got a few things to eat and then walked to a nearby bench. We sat down and ate our food. There was a woman walking by with a water pot on her head and saw us. She came over and set her water pot down beside Mentor. She looked back up to him and smiled.

"Merci. [thank you]"

Then she walked off. I wonder what that was about. He moved the pot so that it was in the middle of us.

"Drink, you are going to need it."

He put his hands in the water and scooping up some water and drank. I did the same. We sat there for a few minutes before I spoke up.

"What was that about?"

"You will know soon enough."

I hate it when he does that! He does not tell me something that is very important and makes we wait until later or until I guessed it. I was not even going to bother guessing. I probably would not get it anyway. We just sat there getting our rest when I remembered the notes I had from my Grande-mère. [grandmother] I opened my pouch and pulled one out slowly and unfolded it. I looked over the note. When I got to the bottom, there were two letters.

M. A.

Was that the initials of my mother? M. A. That is my only hint and I will take it. I looked over at Mentor. He was just watching the crowds go by. I sat up from my slouch and spoke up.

"Do you know my parents?"

He turned to look at me and smiled and went back to looking at the crowds.

"All too well, tifl. [child]"

"So, are the initials M. A. my mother or my father?"

He looked at me and then looked down at the note. He kept staring at the note in my hands. He gave me a half-hearted smile and then replied;



"Yes tifl, [child] both."

I looked back down to the note. I started to fold it and put it back in my pouch. Once my pouch was closed, Mentor spoke up;

"We should probably get going soon. We still have a long journey ahead of us."

"I am ready when you are."

He got up and I followed him. I walk by his side. I was not behind him like I usually was, I was beside him. There was a connection between us back at the bench. I learned a bit about my parents. Perhaps my parents were not bad people after all. Perhaps they really did just want to keep me safe. If my Mentor knows them, then they cannot be all that bad, right? Right.

The thing is, is that they have no clue what kind of torture I went through. The pain of not having a mother to help me out in time of need. The pain of not having a loving father to turn to when I was sad. The pain of knowing my own parents left me and never returned. All that pain for twenty-six years is finally becoming worth the battle.

Really the only parental figure I had in my life had been my Mentor. He has been my Mentor since the beginning, since I could remember. I have no clue how he knew about me or what kind of background I came from, but he was there for me. Just like a father. He was even there to wipe away the tears. Guess whom was not there. My very own parents.

I started to get all those memories of the times I was left alone with no one to guide me. The times I would just cry in my room because I was home sick even though I was home. If my parents think they could just get me back with one kiss on the cheek and a small 'I love you', well, they better think again. I give up on emotions a long time ago and never let them control my life again. I gave up on feeling loved, feeling happiness, and joy. I made walls so people would not hurt me like they did. My heart had already taken a beating and it did not need another one by them or anyone else. None of that matters because my parents were not by my side and if they think they can come back into my life and fix things. Boy, were they wrong.

I started to think to myself.

Perhaps that is why my last name is 'daughter of no-one', because I am no-one's daughter anymore.


Sorry about the short chapter but I felt that I had to stop it there. Anyways, vote!

Hope you guys are enjoying the story! Leave some feedback!


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