Chapter 3: Something Feels A Bit Like Home

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Chapter 3: Something Feels A Bit Like Home

Year: 1222

Mongolia, near Xing-ging

  We stopped our horses in front of a house. It looked like it was there for a while. The outside looked like it got built about ten years ago. I would know an old house when I saw one. This was not too old, just in a bit of rough shape from the Templars attacking it or searching it. They had no respect for no-one but themselves. Mentor got off his horse and so did I. We walked to the make shift stable that was there. It looks as if it had just been built. They had three horses in there and now with mine and Mentors, there would be five.

"Tifl, could you put the horses back in the stable while I go and check on everything inside?"

"Oui Mentor. [yes Mentor]"

  He flashed me a smile and I grabbed the reins of both horses and led them in the stable. I heard the door close as Mentor walked in. I walked to the stable when a man with a big beard and long hair walked out of the back of the house and headed towards me. I smiled at him as he approached.

"So you must be Harees?"

"Yes and you?"

He still had the smile on his face as he took Mentors horse from my hands and settled the horse in the stable.

"I am Qulan Gal. I am helping your Mentor in his mission here."


  That was my only reply. I had not really asked why Mentor had come all the way out here. I had a feeling it had something to do with the Mongol Empire. I mean, why else would he come out here when he lived in Masyaf? I let the horse rest in the stable and walked out with Qulan. He was wearing heavy winter wear, or so it looked like it. It was not even winter yet and he was wearing this kind of clothing! He has to be on the verge of crazy.

  We walked into the house and right there was a kitchen. I saw a woman with brown hair and in something very similar to my own Assassin robes. Her robes were a dark blue with a brown hood and string, while mine were white like the rest of the Assassins, but my robes were just like Mentors. I was a master Assassin, so I had special robes to prove I was a Master Assassin. She was sitting in a chair across from Mentor. She looked friendly and welcoming. I liked this place. It gave off a warm family feeling. I almost felt like I was a part of their family.

  Mentor looked at me and smiled. The woman turned around and smiled at me. I could tell she was trying very hard not to do something, I just did not know what. I walked over to the table and extended my arms out for a hug. She smiled and went in for the hug I was offering. She hugged me tight and then let me go after a minute. She smiled back at me and I spoke up;

"I am Harees."

"Welcome to our qu'on est bien chez soi. [home sweet home]"

"Vous parlée francais?! [you speak french]"

"Mais oui! [but yes]"

  There was a second of silence before she introduced herself to me.

"I am Maria."

"Ah, French name."

"Chéri, [dear] I like her."

  She turned to Mentor and he replied,

"Yes, I figured you would. She is a lot like you habibti. [my love]"

  I just stood there and smiled as Qulan came up behind me. He moved past me and went to Mentor. He whispered something in his ear and they both left. Maria looked at both of them as they left outside. She turned back to me and then smile.

"Here enfant, [child] let me show you to your room so you can get cleaned and changed."

"Merci Madame. [thank you Mrs]"

  We started walking up the stairs as I saw a male, perhaps a year or two older than I was running down the stairs. He stopped to smile and say hello to me briefly and continued to rush down the stairs and headed out the same door the two men went out of a few seconds ago. We got to the top of the stairs and we walked down a hallway. Half way down, she stopped and opened a door.

"Voici, mon enfant. [Here, my child] Your room."

  I smiled at her as I walked in. It was very similar to my room back at home. Home. I missed home so much. I wish I was there. I started to get an aching feeling in my heart. I walked to the bed and sat down. Maria looked at me confused and then walked over to the bed and sat down beside me. She put a motherly arm around me and I felt welcome. I rested my head on her shoulder. She brushed my hair away from my face.

"Mon enfant, je ne sais pas comment tu senti, mais, tu est avec nous maintenant. Ont est ta famille." [My child, I do not know how you feel, but you are with us now. We are your family.]

  I lifted my head from her shoulder and just smiled at her.

"Merci." [Thank you]

  She smiled back at me. She got up from the bed and started walking towards the door. She stopped in the door frame and turned around to me.

"The bathroom is just across your room. Go and have a bath, I will have supper ready for you when you come out."

  She smiled and left. I heard her go down the steps. I looked around the room. There was a dresser, a bed, a closet and a chest. I walked over to the dresser. It had robes for normal wear in the first two drawers and the last two had nightgowns. The closet had a few Assassin outfits. Every piece of clothing in here fit me. Did Mentor plan on bringing me down whether the turn of events happened or not? I opened up the chest and there was nothing in it.

  I opened my pouch and put the letters and the note in the chest. I opened the note once more before putting it in the chest. Bastard Templars! They deserve to die, every last one of them! I set the note in the chest and started to take in deep breaths. I walked over to the drawer and got out a night-gown. I normally did not wear night gowns; I normally just wore the pants to my outfit and just a shirt that I would find. I walked across the hall to the bathroom and turned on the hot water. I really needed to relax and think about what had happened over the past two days.

  I shut the door and got undressed. I got in the tub with steam coming from the water. I stepped in and felt relaxed by that. I put the rest of myself in the tub and let my head rest on the edge of the tub. I put my arms on the side of the tub and slid down the tub a bit. I could feel my eyes get heavy. No, I had to stay awake to figure things out. I had to.

  All I knew is that my parent's initials are M. A. I have no clue if both their names start with an M or if one name starts with an M and the other starts with an A. I know that my parents left me with my grandparents right after birth. I have no clue if they ran off and never wanted to see me again or if they did intend to find me later. I have no clue if they are out here or somehow Mentor found them out in Masyaf and that is where we were supposed to head but things got back fired.

  I have no clue if they are alive or dead and I defiantly do not know if I should stay here or go on search for my parents. I have a feeling Mentor is too caught up in what he is doing to even give me missions. He might give me training even though I do not really need it now. I pretty much grew up in the Creed.

  I yawned and made myself a bit more comfortable.

  I had no clue if . . .

  I had no . . .

I . . .


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