Chapter 4: The Start Of Everything New

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Chapter 4: The Start Of Everything New

Year: 1201

Age: 5


  I walked out of the house to go find some fresh vegetables for Grande-mère. I usually went to the far side of town because that is where you can get them the freshest. I was walking when my friend came up behind me.

"What are you doing?"

"Going to get vegetables for Grande-mère. Veut tu venir? [do you want to come]"

"Oui, oui!"

  I smiled back at my friend. He started to walk beside me. He had a rock in his hands. He kept throwing it up in the air and catching it. When he threw it up in the air, I reached out and caught it. It was within a second that I had caught it and started playing with it in my own hands.

"Someday you need to teach me how you do that so quickly."

  I smiled back at him.

"Beaucoup de répétition. [lots of practice]"

"Well if that is all it takes, then vas-y allez-y! [bring it on]"

  I laughed and then started tossing the rock up in the air and before he could catch it, I would grab it out of the air. We did this for a few minutes before he gave up.

"Tu gagne! Tu gagne! [you win! you win!]"

  He put his hands up in surrender and I just laughed. He smiled back at me. I tossed him his rock and he caught it in his hands. He started tossing it up in the air and then on the third toss he caught the rock and held it close to his chest.

"You are not going to steal this again are you?"

"Non. [no]"

"Bien! [good]"

  We continued to walk down the street when a group of five Templar men came walking by. My friend had not realized that they were coming and threw the rock in the air while they walked by. One of the Templar men caught the rock that was in the air.

"Thanks kid."

  The man had a deep voice and was strong and had the most armor on out of all the five men. He laughed and started throwing the rock in the air. My friend tried to get it from the man. He started jumping and reaching his hand up in the air trying to get his rock back from the man. The man just started laughing at my friend even more than what he was before.

  Then a man in a hood jumped down from the roof tops and stabbed the man who had my friend's rock. The other four got scared and ran away. The hooded man stood up from stabbing the man in the neck. He looked at us and went over to where the rock fell. The hooded man picked it up and gave it back to my friend.

"Intabihu le anfosikum. [be careful]"

  We just stared at him. He was our hero. He was going to be the person we looked up to for the rest of the week. The hooded man then ran off in the complete different direction than he came from. My friend and I just stood there when we suddenly realized that there was a dead Templar in front of us. My friend and I looked at each other and then back to the guard. We both started running towards the market. When we got there, we sat down on a bench to catch our breath.

  About a week later, by reading books, I found out what the hooded man was. I read on for days, so interested in what he did for a living and what they did. That was when I realized what I wanted to be when I grow older. I wanted to be just like him. I wanted to help people in need like he did for my friend and I.

  I read about the risks, but I still wanted to be just like him. I wanted to kill Templar and free people. I wanted to help others that needed it as much as my friend did. I wanted to be part of a good cause. Even though the books told me they were the enemy, I believed different. They were the good guys and the Templar was the bad guys. I wanted to fight for peace.

  I had made up my mind that day and I was going to go on a search for the man in the hood. I was going to train so that when I did saw him again, he would be impressed by my new skills. I was going to train and be the best of them I could be.

  I wanted to be an Assassin and nothing was going to change my mind.

  I was going to train to be the best.

  I was going to help others like he had helped me.

  That was the start, of a very long journey.


I just wanted to let you guys know that if the chapter is in italics then it is a dream. Just so you guys don't get confused, I put the format like that. If it's in the middle of a chapter than it is a thought or something else.

I also wanted to let you guys know that I am taking a break from writing. DON'T WORRY! I will still be updating every week. I just wanted to let you guys know that I am taking a break. I kind of go back and forth between writing and reading. I kind of stopped with the writing and went over to reading. 

I just bought a whole book series of six books and they are all about 500 pages, so, yeah. I'm taking a LONG BREAK from writing. I want to get inspired by the books I read, so maybe they will help me with my writing. :P

Anyway, sorry about the short chapter. A new chapter will be up tomorrow as well.

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