Chapter 27: Some Need To Know The Truth, Others Need To Forget It

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Chapter 27: Some Need To Know The Truth, Others Need To Forget It

Year: 1228


  I must have passed out on the ride to Alamut because I woke up in the living room of the house Sef's wife had stayed in. I tried to lift my head but it started to pound. I laid my head back on the sofa I was laying on and groaned. I looked around to see if anybody was around. I tried to get up again but fell down. My head was pounding and I could not even get up from lying down. I needed help but no one was there to help me. It felt like I was younger and I was alone in the world. I am alone again and now I need it the most. I heard the door open and then close.

“Whomever is there, could you help me?” I said

“I am sorry Harees. I am coming.” Darim said

  Darim walked over to me and wrapped an arm around my neck and another around my legs. He lifted me up and then set me down in a sitting position. I groaned because my back hurt from lying down on the sofa for way too long. He kept his hand on my back as he sat down beside me. He wrapped his hand around my neck as I rested my head on his shoulder. I swallowed hard. My throat was dry and I was sore and still weak, but I could slowly feel my strength getting back to me. I looked up to Darim. He was not looking at me. I kept looking at him until his eyes were on me.

“Need something?” he asked

“Water and something light to eat. I am starved.”

  He nodded his head and then headed to the kitchen. I sat back on the sofa and closed my eyes. I leaned my head back and in a few minutes Darim was in front of me with the water I asked and an apple. I leaned my head forward to look at him and took the apple and water from him. He sat down beside me. I took a bite of the apple and a sip of water before I looked over to Darim.

“What is wrong?” I asked

“Oh, ah, nothing.”

“Conneries. [bullshit]”

  Darim laughed a bit and then looked over to me. I took of sip of water and set the glass down on wooden table in front of me. I took another bite of my apple and looked over to him. He was thinking about something. I just did not know what. He stopped looking at me. I grabbed his hand and held it tight. I gave him a weak smile as he turned my way. He looked at me seriously. The smile was wiped off my face instantly. I looked into his eyes to see if I could see what he was thinking.

“What are you thinking about?”

“What happened?”

“What are you talking about?”

“With Sef, Malik, mother . . . you.”  he whispered

“Darim, I do not think-”

“I am ready. I have been ready for a while now. I need answers.”

  I looked at him. Very hard trying to see if he was serious or not. He knew I had all the answers. I was just asleep for way too long to answer them. I took a bite of my apple and then chewed very slowly. I was not ready to answer his questions. He could put one and one together and come up with something but he wanted to know the truth. I sighed and then looked down to my lap.

“What do you want to know?”

“What happened? To everybody.”

“Sef was stabbed to death by Swami and Malik was de-headed by Swami and mother died . . . by Swami. He stabbed her in the back with his dagger.” I whispered

  Darim put an arm over my shoulder and held me close to him. I set the apple down on the table and then looked to Darim. He looked to me with sadness in his eyes. I rested my head on his shoulder as he put his other hand up to my head to press my head closer to him. He started to brush my hair out-of-the-way.

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