Chapter 26 (part two): Good-bye Once Again

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Chapter 26 (part two): Good-bye Once Again

Year: 1228


“We seek the truth about our son’s death. Why was Sef killed?” Altaïr spoke

“Is it the truth you want, or an excuse for revenge?” Abbas replied

  ‘Both,’ I thought. I looked down and they were silent. Maria looked over to her husband to see if he will speak but let her take a turn. She looked over to Abbas. His smile was gone and he was showing a smug face that had the power he wanted. He was soon going to go from the top to the very bottom in a matter of minutes. I looked over to Maria.

“If the truth gives us an excuse,” she turned her head to look at her husband and then back to Abbas in a matter of a second “we will act on it.”

  Abbas looked over to the side as Swami just looked at Abbas. Abbas turned his head to look at the rock wall and gave the rock wall a quick smile before he turned to Maria and Altaïr again. I knew what he was going to ask for. The power that Altaïr holds.

“Surrender the Apple, Altaïr, and I will tell you why your son was put to death.”

  Psssh, father would never give him the Apple,’ I thought. Altaïr paused a second to look at him. Then he continued,

“Ah, the truth is out already! Abbas wants the Apple for himself. Not to open your minds, but to control them!”

  Maria looked to her husband and then back to Abbas. The whole time, Altaïr had his hand up showing that, that is why he wants the Apple. He put both Malik and I in prison to get Altaïr's attention to come here. He set up a meeting so that they could discuss things. When really all he wanted was the Apple for himself so he could get the full power he wanted. The rest of the council took a defensive step towards Altaïr. Once Altaïr finished speaking, Abbas had a comment back to lay on Altaïr.

“You have held that artifact for thirty years, Altaïr, reveling in its power and hoarding its secrets. It has corrupted you.”

  Abbas pointed a finger at Altaïr the time. Altaïr's head went down. He looked at the ground for a good few seconds before he looked up and spoke again.

“Very well, Abbas. Take it.”

  He pulled the Apple from his pouch and held it out in his hand. He took a few steps closer to Abbas and held it out for him to take it. Maria looked at him with shock. Probably the same look that covered her face covered mine. Abbas looked to Swami.

“What?” Maria said in her shocked state

  Abbas pointed to Swami and then to Altaïr. He nodded his head and then walked slowly over to Altaïr. He got out his sword in defense. I looked back between Abbas and Swami and Altaïr. Shock was still on my face. Same with Maria's. As Swami walked closer and closer to Altaïr, he started to talk about Sef's death. He put his sword away about halfway to Altaïr.

“Before I executed your son, I told him you ordered it yourself.”

  He pointed a finger at Altaïr as he stopped in front of Altaïr to get the Apple from him. He looked at him with the same smug face he gave me.

“He died believing you had betrayed him.”

  Just then, Altaïr held up the Apple to Swami's head and started to control his weak mind. The Apple started to glow a bright gold as lights went all around the place. A line of light when up his face as he screamed in pain. Then, next thing I knew, he was being control. Swami slowly with shaking hands grabbed his sword out of its holder. He started to hold it up to his throat the same way he did to mine.

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