Chapter 28: A Secret Cave

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Chapter 28: A Secret Cave

Year: 1238


  I quickly dodged his attack. I gave him a slight grin before I went to attack him. He blocked my attack but I spun around and got out my dagger as quickly as I could and gently tapped him on the back with it, hitting his armor. He turned around and had his sword up and ready to attack me again. He gave me a side grin and attacked. I blocked his attack with my sword and dagger. Once he stepped back, I punched him in the stomach lightly, causing him to groan and almost go down on his knees.

“Looks like I win brother.”

  I put my dagger back in the holder on my back. I put my sword away and held out a hand to help him up. He looked up and took my hand. I helped him up and he put his sword away. I looked at him a bit to make sure I did no damage to him. I had almost hurt him pretty bad last training session. He smiled at me and I smiled back. We started walking away when we heard somebody call for help.

“Help! Someone please! I did not do these crimes!”

  I looked over to Darim and then in the direction the voice came from. Another citizen being harassed by the Templars. I ran up the walls of a house as Darim ran on the streets to go and find the citizen. I ran towards the voices of the guards yelling nonsense to the woman. I looked down to the streets and saw that Darim was close to me. I continued to run on the roof tops for another moment before I spotted the woman surrounded by guards. There were five guards to take out. I could take out two from the roof tops with my hidden blades and Darim can also take out two. That leaves one more to kill. It should not be a problem.

  I was getting ready to strike when I did not see Darim anywhere. I looked around and then looked from side to side. I shook my head when I noticed he had climb the roofs at the last bit. I looked down at the guards. If we did not make a move soon, the citizen would be dead before he could do anything to help her. I looked over to Darim and then pointed to two guards. They were my targets. Darim pointed to another two –his targets. I nodded once and then jumped. Extending my hidden blades to strike both guards in the chest.

  I jumped on top of both guards and struck them in the chest. Darim was closely behind and struck the other two. I looked over to the one last guard standing there. He looked shocked as he was thinking of running. I ran to one side of him and Darim ran to the other. He could not get away now and was forced to fight. He knew it was going to be his last breath and his last day. He brought up his sword as we both put our hidden blades back in the vambrace holder and got out our daggers. We knew we did not need much to take him down.

“Please, have mercy on me.” the guard begged

“No man that accuses an innocent of crimes she did not do deserves mercy.” Darim spoke

  Darim made a move but the guard blocked it, like we were hoping for. His side was wide open and I took my dagger and quickly took one step forward and stabbed my dagger in his side. He screamed out in pain and fell to the ground. I pulled my dagger out from his side as Darim finished him off by stabbing him in the heart. I walked over to the citizen and she was in shock. I put my dagger away.

“We do not mean to hurt you.”

  She looked over to me and then the shock went away.

“Thank you Assassins. I will head home and stay there for a while. I think it would be best.”

“I think so too.” Darim said as he came up towards us

  She turned around and headed home. We walked forwards and then started to run. We knew more guards would be there in a few minutes trying to figure out whom had killed the guards. When we got home, father was in his study and the kids where outside playing while Sef's wife was in the kitchen making dinner. Darim went to go talk to father while I went into the kitchen and started to help out with dinner. Father came out of his study with Darim. They went and sat down at the table. I knew what Darim was going to talk about with father and I had to be there. I finished washing the vegetables and walked over to the table and sat down in the chair between Darim and father, showing, I am not on either side. I am my opinion and my own ideas.

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