Chapter 16: A New Day, A New Discovery

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Chapter 16: A New Day, A New Discovery

Year: 1224


  Not much has happened within the year; we just got more information and added on to it. It was almost the end of the year and I was going to be going back to Masyaf tomorrow to live with Sef and his wife and kids. I liked them a lot and they liked me. Mentor told me that I would be doing missions out there for him. I have no clue what kind of missions but I was hoping it would not involve me leaving Masyaf. I wanted to catch up on my training that I was missing out.

  I looked around my room and tried to see what I was missing while packing. I looked around one more time and then I saw the chest. The letters! How could I forget the letters? Mother and Father told me that they would be writing to me. I was happy and I told them that this time they could not just stop without telling me why. They laughed and said they would not. I walked over to the chest and got out the letters. I looked at them one more time and packed them in my bag.

  I closed my bag and set it at the end of my bed. I looked around once more and walked down the hall to go to the kitchen. I looked in the kitchen to find Maria sitting at the table. I walked over and sat down beside Maria and smiled. She looked up from what she was sowing and smiled at me. I could see it was one of Darim's robes. I shook my head and got up and got some water.

“I know.” Maria said

“How does he even do that?” I asked

“Je ne sais pas! [I do not know] Go ask him.”

  I let out a small chuckle, “Je suis bien! [I am good]”

  I looked out the window to the back yard and saw Darim practicing on a dummy. I chugged my water and then set my glass on the counter. I walked out the back door and headed towards Darim. I stood a few feet back while I watched him finish his counter attack. He stood back from the dummy out of breath and then looked over to me and smiled.

“How did I do?”

“You are a little rusty.”

“Begad! [really]”

  I took out my sword and Darim stepped a few steps back. He was trying to wound the dummy. It was a simple counter attack but where you hit can affect the wound and how long the guard would have to live. The foot work was a bit tricky. I took one step towards the dummy and turned my body so I swiftly turned around so that I was facing the dummies back and then hit the knees enough to wound the dummy and make him fall. From there you can decide to stab your sword into their stomach or hit their shoulder really hard with your sword and pull out or hit their neck and pull your sword out. It really depends what you want to do. I decided to go for the neck.

  I moved my arms as quick as they could and stabbed my sword in the dummies neck and pulled my sword out as quickly as I could as I turned in the process to face Darim at the end of the counter attack. He looked at me with amazement in his eyes.

“Okay, where did you learn to be so quick?”

“I use to train on my speed all the time.”

  I put my sword back in its holder and then looked up to Darim. He walked over to the dummy examining the wounds. The one to the knees was light enough to wound the guard but the one to the neck was a death wound and was pretty deep too. If the dummy was a real guard, he would be bleeding out a lot and would be dead.


  I smiled. He looked back to the dummy and then to me. He put his sword in the holder and then looked towards me.

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