Chapter 21: The Welcome Party

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Chapter 21: The Welcome Party

Year: 1225


  Swami pushed my shoulder as he walked by me. I jerked my head in his direction. He had a smile on his face as he looked at me. I never once talked to Abbas again during the long walk to the prison. He hit me where he needed to hit me to get me to shut up, and that is what I did. I shut the fuck up and let him take me to the prison in quiet. I wanted nothing more and nothing less and neither did he. I guess Altaïr will not be getting that letter after all. Malik was right behind me. I knew Abbas wanted to keep me close. Keep your friends close and enemies closer right? We walked down the long hall of cells before we reached the end. Abbas stopped in front of it and then turned to me.

“Welcome to your new home.”

  He had an evil grin on his face as he just looked at me. I did not say anything and I did not show it either. Abbas looked back to the cell and examined it a bit more. His evil grin got wider the more he looked. I rolled my eyes. Good thing my hood was up so he could not see. I looked back to Abbas and then turned my head so I could see Malik. He was terrified, scared, lost. I gave him a reassuring smile and then looked back to Abbas with the nastiest look I could give him. He looked over to me and started to laugh to himself. A victory laugh.

“I have won already Harees and there is nothing you can do about it.”

“What will you say to Altaïr when he gets back? Because I really believe that he will believe that his only daughter killed his youngest son with the help from his dear friend. Yeah, I would totally believe that if I were him.”

“You do not get it do you?”

“Get what?”

“He will not have to know about everything. I can make up lies just like he can. It is not that hard, I believe you have one too.”

  I growled at him and he just laughed. The guards started walking towards the cell making me go with them. The cell was small and it was dirty. Not well-kept at all either. The guards threw me in the cell. I landed face first on the concrete floor. I let out a groan and then turned myself over so that I could get a good look at Abbas. As I turned over, they threw Malik in the cell with me, leaving hardly any room for either of us. I was on my back now. I pushed myself up as I heard the cell door close. I heard a lock and then the jingle of keys. I looked up to see Abbas standing there with keys in his hands.

“Try and get out. I dare you.”

  I moved my hands trying to get out of the rope that was holding my hands behind my back. I could not get them out. I stared at Abbas. He let out a chuckle and then walked away. He was almost out of my line of vision when he turned around and paused for a second.

“Oh, and try not to pull anything. I have guards here waiting to kill you at any chance they get.”

“Vas-y, allez-y! [Bring it on]”

  He let out a chuckle and walked away. I heard him pass the keys to one of the guards and walked up the stairs. I moved around trying to break free. I sighed after a few moments of trying and accepted my defeat. I looked over to Malik and he was in a sitting position too. His back was leaned against the cell wall and his head was tilted back. If we were outside, his throat would have been slit by now. I looked around the cell a bit to find something that could cut the rope. I found nothing. I moved myself over to the wall and sat down beside Malik.

“I am sorry Harees. If I knew he was doing this, I would have told you to leave and head somewhere else.”

  He hit his head against the wall pretty hard and then closed his eyes and swallowed. I could see his adams apple bob up and down as he swallowed.

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